
Some people care about Global Warming & others don't. What are you doing to help the enviorment?

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Some people care about Global Warming & others don't. What are you doing to help the enviorment?




  1. I use carbon neutral WVO in my Benz.

  2. the chipmonks

  3. I bought a Toyota Yaris (39mpg) and I am focusing my profession on sustainability in landscape architecture.  Little things every day are important, turning off the water, buying local food products.  Whether or not you believe that global warming is imminent and will harm us,  everyone should be responsible for their actions and not treat the world around them as if it is unaffected by their presence.

  4. riding my bike to work -- 6 miles, not bad--low wattage lights and turning down the thermostat... oh yeah, bought some solar panels. my neocon neighbor didn't think they'd work. i showed him my electric bill for july--it was $2.54. winter time electricity is about $6.00 or so--and that's in oregon (not a place know for sun

  5. I post at least on pro-nuclear power answer in here every day.  Its called "creating awareness".

  6. I am doing simple little things that every one can do such as:

    Having Shorter Showers


    Turning off lights when they are not being used

    Using Fluorescent lights instead of incandesent light bulbs

    walking to town and to school

    installing water efficient shower heads

    picking up Rubbish and putting it into the bin

    Other things you can do:

    Join a local tree planting group

    Get rain water tanks

    Get solar Panels.

  7. I am recycling, using less "gassy" transportation, and not littering. All those little things count, especially if more than one person does them! =)

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