
Some people cough at me at work.

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OK - some people cough at me at work. I sit right next to the bathroom. And usually everytime i come out this lady coughs at me. Then there are a few more like a lady that sits right next to me clears her throat everytime she comes back from the bathroom as she passes my desk. She is a friend too. So I am not sure what they are implying. Certain people there always cough at me when they see me. And I am just noticing it and it is getting on my nerves.

So this happens a lot throughout the day. It has gotten to the point where i am afraid to use it ...

I have asked them what is wrong and they say it is hayfever or alleriges. But it has gone on for months! IT is hard to concentrate and do work when I feel threatened by people coughing at me....

So what is the deal? and what can i do?




  1. Well, tell your boss to move you.

    Or tell them to cover their mouth when coughing.

    If you are a kinda-shy person, cover YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE when they cough.  

  2. Wow, this is really messed up! Especially since you say that one of the ladies is a friend. I agree with the person above, if you don't feel comfortable telling them to their face to please look another way or to please cover their mouths, then you should cover your mouth and nose as soon as you see them coming your way... maybe they will get the hint!

    But you always run the risk of them not stopping. If that happens, I think I would talk to each lady individually and just plainly ask them if they have a problem that they would like to address with you. Let them know that it bothers you and that you would really appreciate them not doing that. After that, don't look at them funky, just be your normal self to let things settle down...

    Good Luck! :)

  3. It's really gross to have people cough on you or in your direction.  That's disgusting!  I'll bet though that they are not doing it on purpose to annoy you or because they have anything against you.  Allergies DO last for weeks and weeks.  A cold will be gone within a week.  So it probably is allergies they're suffering from.

    There's not much you can do about coughing.  You know how it is when you have a tickle in your throat.  You have to cough.

    Ask the boss if you can move your work station to another location.  Tell her that you find it disruptive and hard to concentrate with people coming and going into the bathroom all day long.

  4. Try changing the focus, and look for a way that you can lead by example. I mean, wear a surgical mask yourself, put up a sign suggesting that this is what we all should do.

    I happen to have a problem that whenever I begin to speak I must vigorously clear my throat. That is because the part of my heart that pumps blood to my lungs is working better than the part that takes blood away from my lungs. This will likely kill me before it kills anyone else. But at the same time I find it helpful to wear a mask to give people the impression that I am protecting them.

    I say give people the impression because I know this is not an infection, but having this condition does not ensure that I will not also have an infection, so I should avoid transferring fluids.

  5. Buy them a mask and people in Japan are used to this.

  6. The most likely scenario is that they are using a chemical in the bathroom, or duct is circulating from the vents that probably need to be cleaned. Bathroom doors are normally sealed very well to avoid any unpleasant smell from escaping. On opening they can create a suction draft that is strong enough to pull the dust out of the vents. The reason that the dust gets pulled out of the vents is that that is the only other natural opening in that room. I am guessing that the bathroom is an interior room - no natural light or other open window vent. A change in temperature can cause the body to react too. Bathrooms are kept cold so as to avoid breeding bacteria, while maybe the outside of the bathroom is warmer. Don't be paranoid - there is usually a good reason for everything. Just think about it logically and ask what chemicals they use in the bathroom or if the vents need cleaning, or dust filter needs replacing. If not just move.

  7. Being outsiders we really can't answer this for you.  

    Do you wear perfume/cologne? Use any body products with a fragrance or maybe fail to?  

    Is it possible you're taking something personal that has nothing to do with you? It may be something in the air near your office...dust, chemicals, the cleaning products used in the bathroom. Maybe something in the air conditioning duct that should be cleaned out? Maybe just a natural reaction after using the restroom -  readjusting the body?

    I'd suggest asking but since you already have you either have to accept their answer or accept that they don't want to tell you.  I would politely let them know you're offended by it though.

  8. My first thought is do you wear cologne or perfume? A lot of people are allergic to them. I am, and often I don't mean to cough when I get near them, but it just happens. If you do, you can try wearing a different brand, or try not wearing it at all. Also you might consider a different detergent for washing your clothes. Some detergents affect peoples allergies.

    There is no polite way of saying this, so I will come right out and say you bathe daily and wear deodorant? By the way, deodorant can be a source too, and so can the type of bar soap you use.

    Do you have cats? If so, then you might need to get them spade or neutered to stop them from spraying. People living around cats that spray often stop being able to smell it.

    Finally check with your doctor. Have him check your ears, nose, and throat for an infection. These can also give off an odor. If your belly button does not poke out, then have him check for umbilical hernia. That effectively causes blood to be in your belly button, and give off an odor. Again, you might never smell it because your nose might have adapted. All that fails, ask him/her if they can detect any reason someone might cough near you.

    Finally they may be doing it to stifle a laugh. Maybe an office rumor that went around about you, or maybe you did something at work like have your pants fall down?

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