
Some people defend the royal family by saying they've been an English institution for a long time but?

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so was the house of lords, with a permanent majority for the tories, and that was put right wasn't it?




  1. bollox the monarchy is what sets britain above the rest it's called culture,something you seem to lack

  2. Please note that a troll has stolen my identity for his own devious purposes.

  3. The Monarchy predates Parliament.  It is steeped in history, would you rather have a President Bush?

  4. it is a good tourist attraction, you should add some rides and a water park


  5. there were kings and queens long before any bloody house of lords. where were you educated, southern slobovia?

  6. Hello........... they are germans & greeks !

    What part of the English Institution is that then ?

    & for all we know, you youself could be the Real Queen of England.....

  7. are you wearing a syrup

  8. No the house of lords was not put right! It is now a politically appointed chamber ..FAR FAR WORSE than before!

    If you don't like the monarchy F*** O** to some other country

  9. In the first place the current royal family are Germans...Saxe Coburg-Gotha...if you want a real English royal family, reinstitute the Stuarts!!

  10. Apparently you lack culture, upbringing and education as indicated by your other questions.

    Go live in the US with George W. and the likes if you think it is so horrid to have the Royal family

    Northern said it better and in much shorter verse!

  11. what exactly does the royal family do for britain?bring in tourists? that is pathetic!

  12. They're actually all inbred, because they marry inside the family. Distant or not, still inbred.

  13. Change is inevitable, no one likes it, but it could get a lot better if we are properly prepared.

  14. we like them!

  15. Ohh, do shut up.

  16. Are you an illegitimate family member?

  17. The House of Lords was NOT put right! The House of Lords is to keep a check on the Executive (i.e. elected Government). If we have an elected House of Lords, all they'll do is rubber stamp Governmental decisions and all we'll have is LESS democracy.

    For example recently the House of Commons tried to bulldoze through a bill exempting MPs from the Freedom of Information (FoI) act. This was supported by the Labour Front bench and the House of Lords voted it down (and as it was a private members bill they effectively killed it) - good for them!

  18. And now it is full of Left wing toadies, so where is the advantage. The whole point of tradition and culture is that it doesn't change. Modernising, is a left wing code word for, 'I want to change things, and if you don't agree with me, you are apposed to the forces of change'. What self serving cr-p.

  19. If it isn't broke,don't fix it.What would you suggest to replace it?A president?Presidents come and go,there is no continuity.The King or Queen is there for life.The monarchy is our best ambassador,spreading goodwill and flying the flag,presidents just do not have the same effect,especially that t**d that is in the whitehouse now.

  20. What pathetic logic.

    You seem to forget Monarchy has been a distinguishing facet of British society since man occupied these Isles- not merely a long time.

    This island nations has had Kings since ever man landed here.

    The 'permanent' House of Tory Lords is actually ill-stated.

    Furthermore- it seemed to have served the nation far better than a House of Lords stuffed with Lefty Pinko Labour 'members'

    xmanx- you moron- what about charity?


    national prestige?


    Continuation of culture and tradition?

    How much would it cost to replace them with government institutions- if the political will existed to do anything positive for this nation for s0ole love of it?

    Exit door is wide open Pinko.

  21. House of Lords is a good thing.  

    The older, calmer and experienced hands provide a bit of a counter-weight to the more youthful, energetic and perhaps more riskier and short-visioned policies of MPs.

    Now we have Musical Directors as Lords who know jack about the runnings of the real world and just say yes to their MP lovies.

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