
Some people have a five point star on the side of there house. What does this mean if anything?

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Some people have a five point star on the side of there house. What does this mean if anything?




  1. Means their from Texas.  Sorry, for being trite.  It is mostly a fad and means nothing.

    The way it points means nothing.  Mostly means as above when one point is directed to the sky, so below when one point is directed to the earth.  No eviliness, or witchyness, or creepyness etc...  But those cut out cowboys and cowgirls do kinda creep me out.

    Edit:  Wow Tam, I had no idea.  That is very cool!

  2. penticle ,pentgram,are star of david are just a stupid trend i dont realy know  

  3. lots of reasons for people to have five pointed stars on their house but one I haven't seen mentioned yet is when a mother has a child in the military they put a star up.  One for each child serving.  The color of the star shows whether their child is serving or died while serving.  I believe a blue star is for a child serving or who has served and a gold star is for one that died in the line of duty.

  4. A five-point star is one of the oldest symbols, and symbolizes the

    female aspect.

    It could be a pentagram, as said; or with circle, a pentacle, and they

    both symbolize pagan devotion or Wiccan.

    But a neighbour has a star all year round on his home, and he

    lights it up and says it's for the Christian Star of Bethlehem.

    And some folks just like the way stars look.

  5. Is it a regular star with the point going upward with a circle around it?  If so it is a pentagram and it represents the five Elements:  Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit.  It IS NOT EVIL!!!  If the point is going downward then it is symbol of the opposite - that is bad.

    If it is very colorful with mostly red and yellow (and you might want to count the points again) it could be a Dutch star which has to do with warding off evil.

  6. If the star is pointing downwards then it means they are evil.

    The Star of David has six points, not five.

  7. I think I know what you are talking about. There are just these huge pop-out 5 point stars, no circle, just a star, on the side of people's houses. Is it just a trend/fad with home decorating? I can't figure it out either, but I've seen them everywhere.

  8. Star of David has 6 (six) points so Tiger can not be right, howerver the story of David is correct.

  9. It symbolizes that they are Jewish. It is called the Star of David. In ancient times, (jesus times) David was a great warrior who defeated Golliath the big monster, he defeated him with a stone and slingshot. It represents that the Jews have hope and strength.

  10. ,,,,,,,,,,,

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