
Some people have gone on 10 cruises or more! Why so many? Why don't they get a life?

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To you guys who, predictably, are saying, "Oh, you're just jealous!"!




  1. If they like cruises, and they can easily afford it, why not ? I know people who ate more than ten meals, but still want more. I know people who had s*x more than ten times, but want more.  I wonder why they don't get a life.

  2. They are enjoying it. They spend all their excess money on cruises,  just because they can.

    It is the way they live their lives.

  3. Why do people rent condos at the beach every year? Cruises are an exceptional form of vacation because they blend several different types of vacations into one. You get the relaxation of being at the beach or beside a pool, you get the glitz of Vegas with gambling as well as the shows, you can five star restaurants as well as visit several foreign countries, each of which will have their own special attributes. You can have boating, swimming, para-sailing, name all for a single price. What more can you ask for? And to top it all off each cruise will be different depending upon where your choose to cruise. I am going to take the big one and go transatlantic. It is really a wonderful vacation choice.

  4. To think, visiting every continent including Antarctica, countless ports in far away and exotic lands, meeting people from all over the world and some becoming great friends, is not having a life. I would have never of thunk it!

    Here in two months when I am on the balcony of my stateroom, and over the course of 15 days going to  Huatulco, Mexico, Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala,  Puerto Corinto, Nicaragua,  Puntarenas, Costa Rica,  Panama Canal (Full Transit) Cartagena, Colombia,  Aruba Montego Bay, Jamaica, not counting the time I will spend in LA before we depart and the days I will spend in Florida after the cruise is complete…….

    Then there is the trip I am going on early in 08 to South America, and will in the course of the Cruise do a two day excursion to see Machu Picchu…..

    I see, people who travel the world need to get a life.  Now, if traveling the world does not count as having a life, and what I do to make the money that allows such cruising is not having a life, please do tell, what exactly consists of having a life?

    Of course traveling and seeing the world  via Cruise ship may not be for everyone, but to suggest people who do such need to get a life is… silly.

  5. cruises are very nice we hwent on one last yr and have booked another one for april 09

    however we are in the uk and the flights are very expencive over to usa so we will not do that many

    byt the americans are crazy about cruises and thy take about 10 or more a year.......

  6. Isn't travelling to different parts of the world having a life?  Even if they chose to do it by sea?  Cruises can be a lot of fun in addition to being an economical way to see places you might not have been able to.

  7. gee, are you just jealous because you havent been on as many?

    And i would think that going on a cruise is a life..its better than working, or whatever..

  8. jealous aren't we

  9. gee ur right i guess i am a loser. i work my whole life and like to blow my money away seeing the world. i guess i am lame

  10. Maybe they can afford it, who knows.

  11. Jealous?

  12. i dont see the appeal in cruise...ive been on a few and have no ambition in repeating the rather fly somewhere and spend my money on land then on a ship......can you imagine going on 10 or 20 ugh  that would be awful...theres my death sentence

  13. Going to all these cruises IS HAVING a life.  Better than rotting away doing nothing.  Cruising is awesome and I plan to go to MANY cruises as a way to HAVE a life.

  14. Yipes, are you bitter! Some people enjoy travel. Travel broadens one's self and enhances one's life. Perhaps the lives of those cruisers are even more fulfilling than your apparently magnificent life.

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