
Some people think i have ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) how can that be though when im 16??

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Oppositional Defiant Disorder


A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the following are present:

often loses temper

often argues with adults

often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules

often deliberately annoys people

often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior

is often touchy or easily annoyed by others

is often angry and resentful

is often spiteful or vindictive

i dont really know, it dont seem possible, i losemy temper but im often a pushover with friends but dont nearly everyone mouth off to parents and teachers and swear all the time at that age?? loads of people have built up anger and resentment and want to seek revenge dont they?? yhh im a pisstaker and im getting into trouble all the time at school but i have seen people alot worse than me getting suspensions and loads of detentions and S**t but then their not cunning enough to get their sorry asses out of the situation, cz i can usually convince someone its not my fault turn the tables around and get away with it lol thats the only time i feel smart, when im being a good liar and getting away with everything.

i think im more anger management than anything. and most teenagers are mouthy little b*stards so...




  1. oh great, another made up disorder by the government to sell more drugs...

  2. These look like the symptoms of a terrible disease called...Teenage. No seriously, almost every teenager behaves like that. And defying authority is now a mental illness? Wow, then I've been afflicted all my life. I even wake up angry and cuss out everyone from time to time and I'm not on some fancy medication...

    Personally, I think whoever gave you this BS is probably just trying to get you to change by scaring you into thinking you have a mental illness. I'm pretty sure I'm WAY worse than you. I p**s of everyone, and they love me for it. Tell whoever thinks you're mentally ill to STFU and go burn in h**l. OVERLULZ!!!

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