
Some questions about Julliard

by Guest61291  |  earlier

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I live in Europe, I want to study drama/music in Julliard, but I heard the acceptance rate is very low.

How does they accept international students then? You gotta go to NY and take the auditions and after? If so, it's a pain.

Also, you gotta know deep info about music and drama? Because I hadn't take any drama classes before and that will be my first time.

Lastly, can someone gain a career through Julliard? Such like celebrities or not?




  1. Julliard is the most prestigious performing arts conservatory in the United States. You're right, acceptance rate is extremely low because it is highly competitive. They have 3 areas of concentration - music, dance and drama. For music and dance applicants auditioning have already attained basically a "pre-professional" level. Drama isn't quite the same since there aren't specific skills like learning to read music or how to do a pirouette.

    To be honest, someone who has a lot of natural talent in acting and just naturally "gets" what you have to do to prepare a nuance, well rounded character may be able to audition for a place like Juilliard and be successful. I believe they ask for monologues from a range of time  periods, so you will also have to be able to navigate the classics well.  If you're really into it, why not go for it? However, I think auditions are usually held in the beginning of the year, so I would highly advise using these 6 months to get a coach  and it will take a lot of work to get your material together.

    As for career, having Juilliard on your resume can help immensely. With everything else being equal, you may be given more consideration and asked in for auditions and interviews just because you have that on your resume because it shows that 1. you're a phenomenal actor and 2. you're dedicated to your craft and 3. you've received some of the best training from some of the best teachers in the world.

    There are several celebrities who went to Juilliard, but you don't go there to become a celebrity, you go there to become an actor.

    Check out their web page for audition and program info -

  2. The problem with taking classes at julliard or at a community college is that they don't guarantee you a job as a working actor.  Having Julliard on your resume helps because it means that you are one of the most talented singers or dancers or whatever around.  That's why the acceptance rate is low -- everyone wants in; only the absolute very best get in.  However, I do think that an audition tape can be mailed in.  Call or get on line to find out the exact requirements.

  3. Julliard, Its not the best school, Not worth your time or money

  4. If you have not taken drama or music classes in Europe you have almost no chance of getting into Juilliard. They accept many international students, but they are already talented in music or theatre. Many international music and dance stars went to Juilliard.

    You can look into other universities near New York City for your undergraduate study in theatre -- almost every American university has a theatre department -- and if you do very well, you may be able to go to Juilliard for graduate school.

    You are right. It is very difficult even for talented artists who have studied from the time they were small children and worked hard to get into Juilliard. Unless you are the daughter of a famous actor or musician in Europe, (in which case the art form is not likely to be new to you) you have almost zero chance of getting in to Juilliard. They are very selective and choose students who are already wildly talented.

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