
Some questions about Sanya, China... ?

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-What is the most convienent way to get there from Wuhan?

-How much English do they speak there? (can I get around without knowing Chinese..)

- What is there to do besides hanging out at the beach?

- Any western restaurants?

- Nightlife?

- How's the weather during mid-August?

- Are there lot's for foreigners?




  1. China Hainan Tour

    Bordered by clear sea, Hainan Island's Sanya is an ideal place for water entertainment. Besides tasting fresh seafood and enjoying exotic natural beauties,

    you must try exciting water sports, such as diving, walking on the seafloor, and surfing. Among them, the various kinds of diving are most popular with visitors,

    since Sanya is the best diving resort in the world. In addition, Wuzhizhou Island is the top zone for diving where water visibility can reach 27 meters (88.6 feet).

    Various water entertainments include the following:

    Skin diving: This kind of diving needs no air tank and the time you remain in water depends on your lung stamina.

    Shore diving: Training with an air tank is necessary before attempting shore diving. Depending upon your physical condition, you can dive to a depth of from

    four meters (about 13 feet) to ten meters (about 32.8 feet). A mysterious underwater world is waiting for you.

    Boat diving: Most of the facilities that you use are the same as with shore diving, but you drop yourself into the water from a yacht. Assisted by a coach, you

    can dive to depths of ten meters to eighteen meters (about 59 feet).

    Night diving: Similar to shore diving, after dusk underwater scenes are totally different from daytime. The sea is more mysterious at night.

    Semi-diving sightseeing boat: Suitable for these who want to enjoy various corals, tropical fishes and other sea denizens without getting wet. You simply sit in

    a cabin and enjoy the view through specially designed windows.

    Price: CNY160 per person for half an hour

    Fishing: Offshore fishing from yacht and platform, bank fishing and night fishing are offered here.

    Price: Yacht fishing is CNY300 per person for 2 hours; platform fishing is CNY140 per person for 2 hours.

    Bank fishing is CNY100 per person for 2 hours; night fishing is CNY300 per person.

    Besides these designations, diving categories are divided according to water zones. In addition, you can drive a motorboat, banana boat, luxury jetboat or a

    jalor by yourself.


    Excellent year-round weather in Sanya lures golfers; eleven golf courses have been built in Sanya, two of which are located in the famous Yalong Bay National

    Resort. Another popular feature of Sanya is the hot springs resorts. Among them, the Nantian Hot Spring Resort is praised as the 'No.1 Spring of China',

    incorporating a hot spring, accommodations and entertainment.


    Owning to Sanya's tropical climate, most of the locals' activities takes place after dusk. Therefore, experiencing Sanya's nightlife is the best way for you to

    participate in the local life. There are nightclubs where you could feel the vigor of this newly emerged tourist city. Generally, these clubs are in star-rated

    hotels. For example, Lidu Night Club of Sanya Maintint Hotel and Huangchao Night Club of Sanya Guoxi Hotel are two popular places for nightlife. If you want a

    quiet place to enjoy the night beauty of Sanya, the Coffee Time Western Food Restaurant is recommended. Located in the Lanhai Garden of Bin Hai Road, it

    is a lovely place to enjoy the sea while sipping a cup of exotic coffee. Besides these, some beachside hotels have charming barbecues.

  2. -Taxi

    -A lot of students are learning English in China

    -• Get on your bike to enjoy China's great outdoors • Enjoy China's scenic natural wonders• Hike or trek amid spectacular scenery. Everest Base Camp is Tibet's most popular trekking destination. • Conquer the world's highest mountains• Go rock climbing, a fast-growing sport in China• Go river cruising • Explore caves• See forests of stone• Try the ancient ‘shadow art' of tai chi, a series of linked, slow movements using the entire body while focusing the mind *BEIJING OLYMPICS*

    - Mark Jim Restaurant, Roman Holiday Restaurant, Brazil Barbecue Restaurant, Everyday Pizza, Italian Restaurant

    -Shopping, cruising on the Yangtze river, The Honglian Lake Country Golf Club, The Eatern Lake Sea World, The Bordeaux Bar, The Dongting Street Branch of the Buick Gorge Bar, the Omary Music and Coffee Bar

    -Warm and moist

    -IDK about lots for foreigners, sry

  3. -What is the most convienent way to get there from Wuhan?

    Flight directly to Sanya

    -How much English do they speak there? (can I get around without knowing Chinese..)

    Yes. You will find more English speakers then in Wuhan.

    - What is there to do besides hanging out at the beach?

    Not really. Even hanging at the beach is difficult because it's simply too hot.

    - Any western restaurants?


    - Nightlife?


    - How's the weather during mid-August?

    Really very unbearable hot.

    - Are there lot's for foreigners?

    You have either expats that work in China and go there for a break, or lots of Russian tourists.

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