
Some questions about high school!

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is freshman year hard?sophmore?junior?senior?

are people mean?

please tell me everything that i should know before starting high school in couple of days! :/

thanks for your help! :)




  1. your freshman year is not hard at all, in fact i thought it was easier than 8th grade homework and learning wise.  all the rumors of people being mean are completely untrue and everyone will tell you that. as long as freshmen dont act rudely or snotty towards an upperclassman they wont have any problems with you. they might not go out of their way to talk to you but they wont bother you unless you bother them.  i made a lot of senior friends when i was a freshman, mostly through joining clubs and band. so my advice to you is to do the same- join some clubs, organizations, activities after school and youll meet a lot of new people, possibly lifelong friends. if youre nervous about joining something bring a friend along with you like i did, i think its easier to talk to new people with someone else you know, less awkward.

    sophmore year is a lot of peoples least favorite, freshman year everything is new and exciting, and juniors and seniors are upperclassmen so sophmores are kind of bored during that school year since they arent quite old enough to enjoy the priviledges of being a junior and senior.

    junior year gets harder for homework and stuff like that, but being an upperclassman is so much more fun, my junior year was my favorite. also if youre planning on going to college, this is the year colleges will be looking most closely at grades on applications so make sure to get good grades this year for sure, but of course, all the time is even better

    senior year is fun too, but it is more stressful on kids who apply to colleges because it is a lot of work and can take months to finish while they still have work from school to do. once students are accepted to a college though, they have much more fun and the year gets a lot easier

    i just graduated from high school in June and i loved every single year of it. i hope you enjoy it as much as i did!  i wish you good luck on your first day, it will be over before you know it. just remember, every one of the freshmen are as nervous as you so youre not alone ;)  

  2. It all depends on what school you go to, what kind of people attend that school, which teachers you get, which classes you take and what kind of person you are.

    i remember how middle school teachers were constantly prepping us for the challenges of high school. to me, it was fairly easy and a majority of the people were friendly to me.

  3. well it depends on what u think is hard...

    but to tell u the truth (for me) it wasn't hard at all.

    i didn't pretend like someone else just to get attention, then i just found a friend that likes mostly what i do.

  4. just be yourself.  and it will all work out

  5. for me, they weren't hard. junior year was the hardest for me since i was preparing for the sat's and i was also taking the toughest classes. senior year is a breeze and the best year. as for freshman and sophomore years, don't be intimidated by the upperclassmen. they won't do anything mean to you if you're "respectful" of them. you shouldn't worry too much.  

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