
Some questions about mollies?

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are they schooling fish, and what are the best group #'s like 3 mollies, 2 mollies

right now i have one molly (it is a couple months old right now so i'll wait longer before i get him or her tnakmates) and is it good to have like 2 females to a male molly but i dont know what gender my baby molly is so yeah and thanks




  1. Yes. You're exactly right. One male molly is to two female mollies is the right proportion and a group must always have three individuals, though they are neither schooling (group with a synchronized swimming pattern) nor shoaling (huge group but not coordinated when swimming). They are tropical, they are found in brackish rivers and estuaries in Central America. One tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons is beneficial for all livebearers but not necessary in a planted tank or if you have catfish with them.

  2. mollies will mess you up, man.

    just say no, sucka!

  3. Here's a good site about Mollies, they have a lot of info about them. Good Luck!!!!!! XDD

  4. Mollies are schooling fish and they do need to be with others of their own kind. Also, a male will harass the females to mate if there are not enough of them to keep him busy ;) They do need a heater as well

  5. ok, how yuo tell what genders of molly is, ok look at your molly (if its too small yuo miht not be able to tell if it is too small dont get any tank mates until it is big enough to tell the gender) ok if yuor molly is slim and the fin on the bottom does not poof out (it is straight and is touching the body, if yuo know what i mean) it is a male, if yuor fish looks round and the bottom fin is normal and it sticks out it is a female, if yuo do not know how to care for baby mollies do not get any males (if its a female) if its a male dont get him any females! THEY WILL MATE!!!!!!! my molly just had 50 babies! yes mollies ae defanitly tropical fish and they do like to have heaters make sure the temp is from 76-80 degrees. and it is good to use a heater, i finally got a heater for my little baby mollies. neon tetras are a great choice for mollies they are also tropical they are peaceful and are beautiful! get around 8-12 neon tetras they are beautiful in bigger kinds of groups! good luck and hoped i helped!

  6. Mollies are schooling fish but do fine by themselves.  you should always keep more females than males.  This keeps the abuse off one particular female during mating.

    Don't worry about the little one, just be sure to get only females.

    Mollies are technically salt water fish.  The nice thing about them is they can and do live (like guppies) in full salt, brackish and/or fresh and can be moved readily between the three with no problems.  I keep them in my salt tanks.  Mollies also can withstand great temperature variations.

    If you are worried about breeding, just get all males.  If your little one turns out to be a female, return her for a male before they breed.  Doing this however will cause your males to become agressive.  Do you just not want fry?  You really don't need to do anything they will breed on their own.  

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