
Some questions about my dog?

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First off, my dog meeka seems pretty intelligent, she is a Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute mix and i have had other dogs before and she seems almost oddly intelligent, she can use her arms on table tops when on her hind legs to reach for food, there will be times when ill throw a treat across the room and she will act like she cant find it then ill give her another treat, because ill feel bad for her, and shell run off and get the one that i threw, and a whole bunch of other things. but my first question is-

Do dogs instinctively know what guns are, Meeka is an inside dog and has never seen a gun in her life, but last week my little brother got an airsoft gun, when he walked in through the front door with it, me, my mom, and my sister were in a room right next to the front door and she started growling and snarling at my little brother

Question 2:

Meeka is also extremely protective of me, (and i am a huge guy, i am 6 foot 8 and 350 lbs) and not only that i am by far the biggest person in my family, but she is unbelievably protective of me, when people come over and and if they hug me, she gets extremely angry, or ill be sitting on the couch next to her, and my little brother will walk even near the room, she gets very upset (because me and my little brother fight alot)

Those are the only 2 questions i have for now, also some other info about meeka, i got when i was 10 for my birthday (im 17 now), i spoil her horribly, she doesnt like my little brother, also she is ussually very sweet, but at times she can 'change'

Also please dont say anything really bad about her, ill report you, i love her more than i love myself =)




  1. ur dog looks to u as her master and is jealous of any one else who comes to close. with the gun she was protecting u in case u are in border collie and husky are the same way with me. the bc is very jealous of my hubby,kids and grandkids and she will squeeze inbetween them if they are next to me and show her teeth.the husky who is over 100 lbs will do a flying leap and bunt them with his nose to remove them away from me bed time they want hubby on his own side and do the routine and barking until he gets settled then they are down for the night. most dogs pick the one who does the most with them such as feeding,walking,playing etc and know this is the person whom they want to guard and they love u by showing this side even if u are a big guy lol.with my dogs i have the kids come next to me and the dogs and have them pet and talk to them so they know they aren't going to hurt me.i scold the bc when she shows her teeth and growls and over the last 4 yrs she has improved and will accept the family but i have to keep a close watch with anyone who comes for a visit until she knows them.i feel very safe and no one bothers me in the neighbourhood even though the husky most likely will push them over and flop on them,the b c will bite so i keep a muzzel handy and when she acts up i just show it to her and she calms down. yes they love me as ur pooch does and wants to guard and protect u from anyone who might cause u harm. it is their natural instinct.

  2. Did your brother use the gun? Or was he just holding it?

    If he used the gun in the room or whatever, Meeka is probably scared by the noise it produces and thinks its dangerous. If he was just holding it, it might be just that Meeka doesn't like your brother (What you said before).

    Gently introduce Meeka to your little brother, pat her and let her know you are safe, and that your little brother is no threat to you or Meeka. Patting her head and soothing her might be a good idea. Let your little brother and Meeka bond more- Let them have their 'alone' time once Meeka starts feeling safe around him. Meeka just wants to know you are safe and nobody is going to hurt you. Giving her a hug or letting the stranger pet her is good.  

    Let her have more freedom and spend more time with other strangers or else she will become even more protective of you.  

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