
Some questions on telekinesis

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1. are those things real ( hydrokinesis. pyrokinesis.moving objects,, e.t.c.

2.can i really : bend a spoon , make something invisible...make psi balls . ?

3. can a 13 years old boy do telekinesis..

4. i search in a site call wingmakers or something like that... and i found many interesting things ,.. are they true ..

5. if aLL this stuff is true .. pls tell me more details...




  1. yes, u can do all those sorta things....

    bending a spoon, moving something with ur powers...yes, u can

    but to get those psychic powers, u need to posses certain special powers that no ordianry human has, and there are many side effects too!!!

    and yes, even a 13 year old can posses those powers if he/she has that special energy....

    there r many things that humans can do...not all are uncovered at the present, maybe well be able to understand all those in the future???

  2. To all your questions above the answer is no.

    Now if you asked is you could move an object in motion a small tiny tiny bit like a base ball or object ball or beebe.I believe that is possible.

    There is a study releashed last month about a researcher who be lieves you can see tiny portions of say 1 to 2 seconds into future if you quickly blink you eyes.

    And I believe this is a true statement.  

  3. 1. no

    2. no

    3. no

    4. no

    5. not true

  4. 1. yes

    2. yes, with lots of practice... i mean, why ask? just try it.

    3. Why would age and/or s*x matter on the subject?

    4. Wingmakers is very helpful, especially in psi ball making

    5. I suggest Wingmakers no. 1, kid...

  5. 1: Well, nobody can prove if it is or isn't (yet). People are always making new discoverys. I personly belive it's possible, whether humans can do it, well, thats to be seen.

    2: Well, lets say it's real for a second. It would matter if YOU would give enough willpower/focus/dtermination/ect. to do it.

    3. I don't really think age would matter, though I doubt a newborn baby could do it. Then agian, there's like 3 babys being born per SECOND in the world, so maybe one of them could...

    4: Well, maybe, I don't really think EVERYTHINGS true. I mean, they were saying something about saying this poem out loud to a psi ball and letting it fly away to bring hope for the world when 2012 comes. (2012 is when Mayans perdicted the world was going to end, and none of their perdictions been wrong yet. I think.) I kinda doubt that part is true. Also some parts of the site seem to want you to bond with the "Christ Concusness". So that part doesn't really have anything to do with whether telekinesis and stuff is real but whether you belive in Christanity. The rest of the site is pretty much un-proven, apart from the meditation part, It has some good meditation info.

    5. Well, if it is true the two biggest sites you'll find are probely Wingmakers and MyTelekinesis. Apart from that, you might want

  6. no none of it is true

  7. I've looked into it,searched for videos and checked out claims.I've never found one single thing except boasting with no evidence and fraud.I'd bet any amount any time with anyone.The answer is no.

  8. some people seem to have a gift in this, but I have never experienced it. However, I have experienced some other things people claim are not true, but I know they're real.

    All I can say is, these things are not supported by science, but if you want to try and learn them, there is no harm in them if done properly. Just start off small. Walk before you can run.

  9. 1.  No.  No one has ever demonstrated these abilities when they were prevented from cheating, and they would break several well-established laws of physics.

    2.  Sure you can bend a spoon.  It's easy.  But using your mind, not your hands?  No.  No, you can't make things invisible, and no, psi balls don't exist.  It's all in your head.  Again, the thing about the laws of physics.

    3.  Age doesn't matter.  You don't suddenly get to break the laws of physics at age 27.  

    4.  No, they're making stuff up and hoping you will give them money.  Don't give them money.  If they could really do that stuff, this guy would give them a million dollars today.

    5.  It's not.

  10. dont listen to any one on top of me






    it takes medition


    clear all thoughts

    and you must belive

  11. 1. It has never been proven, but that doesn't mean its not true.

    2. Can YOU...i don't know if you have the gift of a kinetic ability

    3. If he has the gift, however it might ba very harsh and taxing on his


    4. I don't know, never been to the site, but probably most aren't

    5. You have to find out for yourself

  12. 1.i think those things are real

    2.yes you can bend a spoon,make psi balls (i don't think you can make something invisible) but that need to practice a while (1 year or more)

    3.everyone can do, you just need to practice

    4.i think they are true

    5.just search on google about telekinesis and you will find there a lot of details, exercises and everything you want to know about telekinesis

  13. sorry to burst your bubbles.

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