
Some rosy boa questions?

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i have never owned a snake nor have ever held one but i really like these snakes and want to own one. i know the questions im asking may be kind of basic but i need to be certain before i get one so here it goes.

1. whats the best way to hold one? is there any trick to holding them?

2.whats the best substrate for them

3. will i need to feed it outside of the tank i determine the size of the rat that i need to feed it

thanks in advance




  1. Well if this is going to be your first snake, I would recommend getting a ball python or a corn snake. Something more simplier. Plus they are easier to care for. To tell you the truth, I had never own a rosy boa(they aren't my thing) but I would still recommend the ball python or the corn snake.

    There aren't any tricks when picking up a ball python or a corn(sorry like I said I don't really know much about rosy boas) but I guess as for ALL snakes, just watch their head and tail. Remember don't be scare to pick them up or else they might be scare too and can bite.

    Yes you do need to feed them outside the tank to teach them when is feeding and when is picking them up time. I would recommend a tub or something.

    The size is determine by the snake's body. So if the snake's body is like the size of a nickel then the snake can eat something that size or maybe a little bit bigger.

    ALWAYS remember! Feed them frozen/thawed for many reasons. I know this didn't help you out to much =[ but the links below are just care sheets for 3 type of snakes.

    Ball python-

    Corn snake-

    Rosy boa-


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