
Some starts taking over apiece of your lad what do you do?

by  |  earlier

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someone starts takeing over a piece off your land what do you do beside geting alawyer what are my rights.




  1. shoot them

  2. You can approach them in a kind manner and talk to them about it. Threaten them that you will get a lawyer and they might do what you want.

  3. You must act quickly because if you do not, an implied easement will tale effect.  If possible, secure a boundary around your land, and place a no trespassing sign.  If there is a dispute, bring your property information, survey or whatever proof you have, to show the offender;. or pay for a survey, and have the surveyor install those post/flags to show the property line.  If after you have made the information available to the offender, simply call the police if they trespasses on your property, as it is a crime. I see no reason for an attorney until all of the above has been done.

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