
Some states passed laws demanding that men who are going?

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through a divorce wear GPS tracking devices. Have devices already been issued in those states ?




  1. are you kidding me? that sounds crazy

  2. You are referring to the laws related to abusive men and stalkers.

    Yes those states are already doing that. However, just because a man gets a divorce doesn't mean he's got to wear a ankle bracelet.

  3. I have not heard of such a thing....

    That is a violation of civil rights.

  4. I have never heard of such a thing. Why would only men be required to wear this? I'd check my sources on this one.

  5. never heard of that before, so i have no idea if they did.sorry!

  6. I don't believe it...  

  7. That is nuts!

  8. The problem I have with this is they are trying to control a possible situation rather than fix the problem.  Men who kill their wives and children should be studied, not just thrown in jail.  We need to know what makes them the way they are so that it can be recognized in other individuals and so that we may prevent tragedy.  Monitoring all men going through a divorce seems utterly ridiculous.  I can't imagine this holding up for very long.  

    We also need to educate our daughters in recognizing abusive and sociopathic men.  If a sociopath is involved in a relationship, the one of sound mind is just as much to blame when tragedy befalls the family.

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