
Some surahs have special letters in the beginning (eg. Surah 7 starts 'H.M.L.S.'). What are these letters for?

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Some surahs have special letters in the beginning (eg. Surah 7 starts 'H.M.L.S.'). What are these letters for?




  1. I've read many tafsir for it each  has a different view  .

    One of the views is that those letters play an important role in the mathematical system of the Quran based on code 19 discovered by Dr Khalifa Rashad .

    Allah knows the best .

  2. English or roman languages use first letter when abbreviating while Arabic uses the dominant or 'main' letter to abbreviate a word.

    One possible explanation is that the letters relate subject-matter of the surah with the God's attributes.

    However, this is a gross misunderstanding that only Allah knows their meanings. Ofcourse He does, but the Holy Quran was revealed to be the guide for mankind. It doesnt have to be in code words. Many Tafsir have have given their meaning from the context, traditions etc.

  3. Unless I'm pronouncing it incorrectly these letters are known as "muqattat" (could be wrong on spelling).  In any case, these letters are pregnant with knowledge and offer deep insight based on that particular Surah's context.  Many Qur'ans do manage a basic general translation.

    The Maulwi Sher Ali Translation, I feel, is the best one.  In the tafsir of this translation, Maulwi Sher Ali cites Ibn Abbas.  Ibn Abbas translates those words to mean, "I am Allah the All Knowing and I Explain."

    Again, this is a rough translation of the immensely deep meaning of these letters, but I hope that helps shed some light on it.

    love for all, hatred for none

  4. Alif Laam Meem, Ya Seen, Ha Meem’, etc. are known as Al-Muqattaat i.e. the abbreviated letters.there are 29 surahs i.e. chapters in the Glorious Qur’an that have the abbreviated letters prefixed to them. These abbreviated letters some times occur alone, sometimes in a combination of two letters and sometimes in a combination of three, four or five letters.

    The meaning and purpose of these letters is uncertain. There have been a variety of explanations offered by Muslim scholars through the ages. A few among them are:

    i.   These letters might be abbreviations for certain sentences and words for instance, Alif Laam Meem means Ana-Alahu -a’Laam or Nun meaning Noor (light), etc.

    ii.   These letters are not abbreviations but symbols and names of Allah or something else.

    iii.   These letters were used for rhyming.

    iv.   These letters have some numerical significance as the semitic letters also have numerical values.

    v.   These letters were used to attract the attention of the Prophet (and later his audience).

    Several volumes have been written on the significance of these abbreviations.

    in the devolopment of languages and alphabets lettrs represented some the letter alif A represent cow. the pic of cow was used as A. later it came in to the present shape

    in dravidian language  malayalam A is still exactly like a cow.

    some sites showing the devolopement of alphabets are available.

    so these letters alif lam meem alif is cow, lam is shepered staff, yoke or authority, meem is water, fear of unknown ma is what.

  5. ASA

    bro thats all wrong,I can write 4 you that .

    I was knowing the reason but it flyed out of my mind rigt now.

    any way ask any sheikh.

    really what do they mean by saying it is maricle of the quran if i say some un understood words it will not means that i am nabi with maricles.

    and the quran is for us to understand it,Allah make it for us to work on it,It is not for making us confuse.

  6. These Letter for example " Alif Laam Meem" are one of the miracles of Quran. And Only Allah knows the real meanings of these letters.

  7. If you add all the letters that begin like that you will make a word.

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