
Some things My recruiter said about Deployment

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My NAvy Recruiter told me I will NOT be deployed because I am a single mother and I am the only Parent of my child Her father is in jail is this true He also said Navy women are less likely to be deployed because of some military law against women and Combat is that true?




  1. WOW!!!!!  Ummm...that is untrue. MANY women are single mothers for whatever reason.  If you join, you will need to find someone responsible to take care of your child because you WILL be deployed for at least a 6 month period.  Well, NAVY doesn't really deal with the combat arena (that would mostly be Marines/Arimy).  You will either be stationed on a ship, shore billet, or squadron (which deploys with a ship).  Sorry he told you that.  What you should do is find different people that are actually in the Navy and speak with them, and find out what their experiences are.  Different jobs (rates) spark different experiences from hate to love!

  2. Not true at all. Being a single parent has no impact on you deploying (as far as the Navy is concerned) as long as your child is properly cared for.

    It is true that women cannot serve in direct combat positions, but without typical "front lines" as is the situation in Iraq & Afghanistan, females are often in combat situations. As a Sailor, you will probably deploy to the area on a ship. There is a slight chance of being selected as an IA (Individual Augmentee). These are Sailors actually on the ground, usually working with the Army.

    There are some regulations about a single Mother enlisting, such as signing custody over to another person for a certain amount of time. Not sure how that works with the Father in jail though.

    If possible, I'd find a different Recruiter and then ask any questions you might have on here. There's a wealth of knowledgeable people here who can point you in the right direction.

  3. everyone gets their opportunity to deploy... single parents are no exceptions.  your child will be left with the person you appointed as his/her guardian

  4. anything to get you to sign on that dotted line..once you sign you dont belong to him and he doesnt make the rules for will go where you are told to as long as you remain on active duty..his job is to get you to sign the paper any way he needs too..because nothing is in writing as far as you not being deployed right...get him to write it all down ...he wont...

  5. and what do you think they're gonna tell you, the truth???

    these guys are HIGH PRESSURE SALESMEN

    and they have goals to meet

    and miles to go before they sleep

    and miles to go before they sleep

  6. The "Service" part of "Military Service" simply means that you will be available to perform whatever duty, in whatever location the Nation needs.

    Bringing lots of baggage and issues to the military is unfair. The military invests a lot of money in your training, and in exchange expects your dedicated "service" at any location where jobs requirements exist.

    Lastly the Navy historically deploys via ship throughout the world. If this is an inconvience to you, then maybe you should look into another branch of public service...maybe the US Postal Service.    

  7. It's not true unless it's in writing. Demand to see it in writing, and if he can't produce the relevant rules/regs you should report him to his superiors.

    I'm a vet and I can tell you, lying recruiters ARE NOT the norm. They are very professional, but there are always exceptions.

  8. any recruiter that tells you that you will not be deployed, is not a recruiter that i would not want to work with. While he is not totaly lying to you, you must have some sort of command sponsership to get into those types of programs. Your command will delve into your life and get directly involved in your personal affairs.

    I would ask to work with a diffrent recruiter, i worked with 3 before they fiqured out not to bs me.

  9. Your Navy Recruiter shouldn't have told you that.  You will have to make arrangements for your child before you sign on the dotted line. If not they can and will admin discharge you. Don't worry they will take any money that you have been advanced back, ie. Bonus for signing.

  10. Although true, women cannot be in combat roles- that does not lessen your chance of a deployment. Your recruiter straight LIED to you. There is no way he will be able to put that into your contract. ANYTHING your recruiter tells you that is NOT in writing- you won't be getting. Promises come a dime a dozen and if their not in writing, unfortunately all they are are lies. If your recruiter did in fact tell you these things I suggest you report him to his NCOIC because there is NO WAY you can enlist into the military (ANY branch) with a guarantee of non deployment. There are exceptions to deployments, i.e in the Marine Corps you do "B billets"- Recruiters and Drill Instructors fall into this category. It is a "Non- Deployable" MOS, so therefore that would be an exception to the rule. However, you are a new enlistee and since he can't even guarantee you an exact MOS, only an MOS field then he can't guarantee a non-deployable contract.

  11. He lied. There is definetly no law that says that. Mothers are forced to deploy only months after giving birth. If they can ship you to basic, they can ship you to Iraq. It's that simple, don't let them tell you otherwise.

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