
Some training Questions

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Ok so i have 2 horses one is a 15 hand quarter horse mare that is 12, the other is a 15.3h Paint Gelding that is 3( I just got the gelding yesterday). Both horses have horrible ground manners but i dont want to pay for them to go in training. the only problem I have realy is haveing them stop with me the mare is worse then the gelding though, she wants to run right threw me. Can some one give me a idea to fix this?

also My gelding he doesnt cross tie very well, what can I do to get him ust to the cross ties and not have him freak out.

My mare doesnt like to take bathes she litterly freaks out and im not strong enough to control her wile spraying her with a hose becuase she runs, pushes, and yanks. I have to give her a sponge bath and that doesnt clean her very well. what are some things i can do to get her ust to takeing baths or some ways i can fix this problem.




  1. Okay so the mare that won't stop with you.

    First you need to work on her respecting your space. If you can do this with just a rope halter that would be best. If she is really strong and won't listen you can use a chain over her nose, but only do it if you need to. Just start moving her around. Ask her hips to move away from you, ask her to back up, ask her shoulders to move away from you then go to the other side and do the same thing. Keep working on these areas until she will move just by you taking a step towards her. You might want to get a stick about 3ft should be long enough and use it to just tap her to get her attention if she decides to just ignore you. Don't hurt her with the stick just use it as an extention of your arm.

    Once she really has it down that she needs to move her feet for you, then everytime you lead her ask her to stay about an arms length away from you at all times. If she invades that space back her up. Make her back quickly and let her know that you are angry that she is in your space. If she steps on you reprimand her.

    Watch some training videos like downunder horsemanship with Clinton Anderson. He does a good job of teaching ground manners.

    Okay as far as the horse that doesn't stand well in the cross ties.

    Be sure that you do some of that work on leading with him too. Then when you put him in the cross ties leave his lead rope on him and hold it in your hand while you work with him. When he does something stupid just give a little tug and get him back under control. Slowly work up to being able to walk away from him. The more he just stands there the better. Make sure he is good at just standing tied too. Find a good strong post and use a rope halter and just tie him up and leave him for a while. Bring a book with you and read while he just stands there. You will be shocked at how much they can learn from just fighting with themselves and learning to stand patiently.

    Back to the mare that won't take a bath. Again find a good post and make her stand tied. Do this every day for about a week. After she learns to stand tied introduce the water slowly. Start at her legs and work your way up. Let her fight if she wants too. Fighting is a lot of work and she will get tired. Just keep spraying until she stops fighting. Do this everyday until she is gets over it. Then you can use some soap and she should be fine.

    You might want to invest in a trainer to come out and give you some ideas on things to work on. Maybe work with a trainer twice a month so that at least when you have a problem you don't know how to fix you have someone who can help you.

    And honestly these things that you have asked how to fix are the very beginning basics of training a horse. So you might need more help than you realize. If you can't afford the training you might want to consider working just one horse at a time with a trainer.

    These horses really do need some training or they could potentially hurt you. Even if it is an accident. Training could prevent an accident.

  2. Let's address the gelding first:  Cross tying is not essential, it wouldn't be the end of the world if he NEVER stood in a cross tie...some horses just will not do it and will eventually flip and hurt themselves, or worse yet, break their neck and take a lovely trip on the big, ugly, the point that I am making is not to make that big of a deal out of it, tie him to a sturdy place in a strong halter with a strong lead rope and let him learn to accept it and stand quietly.  Now, the mare:  I would use this on both horses until they learn some ground manners and learn to respect your space.  Don't even attempt to lead them unless you use a chain on the end of your lead rope.  Feed it in the side of his/halter, down the side of the halter, through the metal piece there and over the nose...try over the nose first, it discourages rearing, and then back up to the other side of the halter...makes for more even pressure when you use it.  Do NOT try to lead your horse looking at him/her...walk forward, looking where you are going, with your elbow out so that will be the first thing that your horse runs into when they invade your NOT let your elbow budge, keep it firm and even push it into your horse and use the lead and back him up, quickly.  Let him stand quietly, then turn around and repeat the process.  Don't get discouraged, he will get the idea, just don't give up.  Once you get your horse/horses listening to you, teach them to take a step backward when you take a step into their space and push them with the halter, at the same time, walk close to your horse and make him pivot on his hind end and continue to follow you...when ever your horse is rude and invades your space, run him backward with the halter, verbally correct him and make him stand up square and stay there.  Now, with the bathing...use a stout halter, a strong lead rope and just tie your mare up where she can't push her around...make sure you haven't tied her to a fence that she will get in, but even a tree will work..begin with the hose quietly, at her feet, don't push her, work your way up..if she jigs around, let her, continue what you are doing until she accepts what you are doing, then work on up to her belly, her sides and her back and her might even want to wait on her head/face if she had done well so far...make it pleasant but don't stop in the middle of it just because she is acting up, she can just get over it.  Use a scraper or brush on her that is pleasant to her and walk her around after the it again the next day, and again the next until it's routine...remember, whether you are just leading your horse, backing it up, riding it, bathing it or grooming it, you are ALWAYS teaching it something, you are either reinforcing something negative or you are teaching something you have to be aware of everything that you are doing and what impression that it is making on your horse...If I have left anything out or you need further explaination, just ask.  P.S.  One more thing, separate them when you are working with them, ideally completely out of sight and sound of each other.

  3. What I do to keep my horses from walking into me is to walk for a little bit, then stop and if they do not stop, wack them on their chest with the end of the lead rope. Not extremely hard, but hard enough to get their attention, so they know your not playing around. So anyways, don't turn around when you do that though, stay facing forward. Then walk around for a little while longer, and do it again. The biggest thing to do is to be patient. Do this a couple times to start, and over a couple days, there will hopefully be some improvement. Also, if this does not work, try using a lead shank with a chain over their nose, so that they know they need to pay attention. Usually just having the chain helps, but you may have to snatch at it once or twice, so they know that it is uncomfortable to have the chain on. But don't be mean, and don't make the horses worse by getting them flustered or angry.

    And my paint horse used to hate baths, and they still aren't exactly his favorite thing to do, butonce again, a lead shank with a chain will usually help them to decide to stand still. It will usually only take one or two good tugs on it to get them to listen. You just need to get them to respect you.

    Hope this really helps you!

  4. well when you're leading her try to keep her on a long rein because if you keep her short you're pulling her on top of you. also try walking with you're elbow out against her neck so if she pushes she gets you're elbow.

  5. Amy is totally correct if you need more help read theese their will be a TREMENDOUS DEFFERENCE I PROMISE-


    Training your young horse- by: richard maxwell

    Unlock your horses talent in 20 minutes a day- by: richard maxwell

  6. Walk your horse's with a chain over their noses so you have more control. Don't yank on it or anything, just a firm pull will do. Practice walking a few steps, then halting. If the horse doesn't halt when you ask it to, have it back up a few steps. Repeat over and over again until he/she gets the idea of stopping when you stop. If they walk into you, stick your elbow out and give them the chicken wing in the neck/chest/shoulder/whatever is closest. They need to learn to respect you, so show them you can be the boss mare.

    Let your gelding stand on the cross ties next to the mare. He may be calmer with a buddy. Don't pay any attention to them if they are misbehaving. When they stand nicely, go over and praise them.

    Your horses sound like they have your number and they know that you're not the boss. If you can't find a way to control them, you're going to have to get someone else to train them in some manners. Otherwise, you and your horses are looking to get hurt.

  7. if he run to right at ya like my yearling does here is wat ya do ok

    if he come at you wave your arms like a bird that tells him NO stay off my buuble.

    and give him a treat if he listens to ya.

    and adn for you mare that hates baths keepgiving her a bath within 6 baths she will catch on.

    like my welsh pony music .

    she got use to fly spray too throw giving her a bath.

    and give her treats and pat her when you r giving her a bath NOTE: ALWAYS HAVE TREATS HANDEY LOLZ

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