
Some true or false questions?

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1. Matter has volume.

2. A pound of cotton and a pound of lead have different densities.

3. Carbon dioxide, water and glucose are all compounds.

4. The atoms in a piece of iron are different from those in a piece of tin.

5. Matter with definite volume, but without a definite shape is a gas.

6. In an atom the number of electrons equals the number of protons.

7. The electrons farthest from the nucleus of an atom are in the lowest energy level.




  1. 1. Matter has volume - TRUE, but many constituents of matter such as electrons and quarks do not have volume.

    2. A pound of cotton and a pound of lead have different densities - TRUE, unless you could somehow compress the cotton to the density of lead.

    3. Carbon dioxide, water and glucose are all compounds - TRUE

    4. The atoms in a piece of iron are different from those in a piece of tin - TRUE

    5. Matter with definite volume, but without a definite shape is a gas - FALSE; the state of matter with definite volume but not shape is called a "liquid."

    6. In an atom the number of electrons equals the number of protons - FALSE; ions are atoms with different numbers of electrons and protons.

    7. The electrons farthest from the nucleus of an atom are in the lowest energy level - FALSE; electrons near the nucleus tend to be more tightly bound (that is, they have a lower, or more negative, energy level) than those further away.

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