
Some typical American/Western things?

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I'm looking for some very typical American objects, food, activities, brands, music etc. Just anything American or that represents...America...

Also, veryveryVERY famous landmarks in America? Like the Statue of Liberty.

What do people in countries like India and China do to become more 'western'? Example - In some countries, McDonalds is a hangout place, because it proves to people that you're 'high society' enough to eat at a place like McDonalds.




  1. Sports, sports and more sports.  Basketball, tennis, golf.  Racing, ice skating, etc.    Food:  Soups, deep fried everything.  Where the twin towers used to be in New York.  

    I love Mc D's but the young people like to go to Red Lobster, New Movie releases, etc.  They switch it up every so often to keep from being copied by other clicks.

    I believe the other countries like our music, movies, dance and clothing styles.

    Hope this helped..  You are welcome to email me if you have more questions and I will try to help you.

  2. You could always drink Budweiser...oh, wait, they are NOT American anymore...

  3. Over the past fifteen, twenty years, America has become more global.  Baked potatoes and steak are pretty much an American food pair.  But even in a small midwestern town it is common to find a Mexican style restaurant or Chinese take-out.   A McDonalds here, is not exactly considered "high society" and neither is Pizza Hut or Dominos, but they are American style "fast food" restaurants (boy, that's an oxymoron!)

    Jazz music is considered American as are blue jeans and the indomitable Jeep.  And where else could you find the Grand Canyon?  Hollywood is considered pretty darn American - that's why Bollywood is coming up fast on the inside track.  

    Rodeos, Wrestlemania, Nascar racing.  TV soap operas.  The Space Program.  NASA.  Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the site of the first flight of Wilbur and Orville Wright when they took the Flyer for it's historic 12 second flight.

    A good Bar-B-Que and swim party is pretty American.  Good ol' corn-fed beef on the grill, sizzling away with cold potato salad and beans chilling in the cooler.  Potato chips!  Hot dogs (actually started out as sausages in Germany, but we made a few changes and now they are fast food items)  Soda!

    Lots of American stuff out there, hun.  Lots.


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