
Some whites voting McCain cause he's white & blacks voting Obama cause he's black,but whites voting Obama

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is another matter. What do these white Americans see in Obama that a few Americans refuse to recognize?




  1. I won't vote for anyone who supports abortion whether he or she is black or white.   I'm a christian and I'm very opposed to it.

  2. Ya. I mean it's working so well this far with the middle aged white guys.

    I don't care who makes it in (Obama or Clinton) as long as it's not the same old, same old

  3. I think it is the thing that people of all races have been trying to have happen

    .. .. ..

    Don't judge me by the color of my skin Judge me by what I have done

    .. . ..

  4. i don't think it is fair to say that because someone does not want to vote for obama that they are missing something vital

    i wouldn't vote for him - not because he is black but because he is inexperienced and is just good at talking the talk

    a few more years in a position of responsibility not as crucial to world security as the presidency of the US might have made me feel differently

    so others may well see him as i do .......inexperienced

  5. He is well spoken, young, forward looking, eloquent and against the war.

    McCain is, occasionally, eloquent - but he represents the past.

  6. I think some blacks will vote for Obama because of race, but that's not really a generalization that can be made. Blacks have tended to vote Democratic for many years now, and are a core constituency of the Democratic party.

  7. Black people cry racism and gain strength in the world everyday. The sad reality is many blacks themselves are racist, mainly the ones who cry out. It is the sad truth, but 90+% of blacks will vote obama while the majority of whites vote for who the person is.

    In my opinion, all of the candidates are morons. You have an Arizonian, a racist, and ... HILARY.. What more can I say.

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