
Some1 tel me what you think 10pts easy -Mia-

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Hello- well i have this friend called mia, and shes my BFFL (Best Friend For Life) and i keeo finding myself lying to her, i lied that i had a horse (i rode it all the time) and i lied that i was another girl on yahoo selling a horse, i didnt intentionally mean for her to get all happy about it, but i wondered what would happen and i told her the add was there, she got all happy and tonite she found out, she said she would give me 1 more chance, but i dont think she will truley forgive me, what im trying 2 say is i feel really really REALLY!!!!! bad about my actions and i dont want to do it again, and like i said i dont think things will be the same between us, can you tell me how to stop this, sereously, i dont want to loose my only true friend, i think she will never believe me when i tell her the truth, tell me what you think, im bad, how to help lecture me everything, its also in this section because i know people answer here, no saying "y is it here because i told u"

thankyou so much for your time, MIA BFFL 4EVA!




  1. well i have no idea!! which is y u shoodnt ask in the rong section. all of us here have no real brain, we just like jokes. if u ask in the rite section, ull get answers from ppl who actually know what ther talking about. yahoo has rules 4 a reason 2 help ppl. would you rather have 1 great answer or 20 nonsense answers?

  2. Hi, guys it is mia kats friend BFFL!

    It wasnt just she made an add, she e-mailed me, said i could have everything free, and get equipement with it to!

    She added me on msn, said we could go riding together and that we could go soon on the weekend,She asked if i could have my phone number, and we could organize for me to meet smiley! She said she lived in anglsea which is really close on purpous, said it needed to be sold in a month coz she is moving to NSW! Said she had a sister and her sis had a pony called pea and all this other C*R*A*P( sorry i hope no one cares if i say that)

    She lied about how many riboons she got and s saying she won five first ribbonns and shows ect, About the buying horse thingi, About getting a new horse ect ect! About how high she could jump, and all these other thing!

    BUt i forgive her coz she is my BFFL!

    But if she was my true BFFL she would not of lied to me all those times! anyway, we are just as good friends as b4 but, now i carnt trust her as much as i used to!

    anyway BFFL KAT! but dont lie to me again!

    bevad wtf, what do you meen how can she be your bffl if she didnt know you didnt have a horse, am i supposed to say no you dont have a horse when she tells me she has!!!!!!!!!!?????????

  3. Honey if everyone is honest to you and themselves we have all done that, i think it is because we dont want to lose that special friend and we build up ourselves so that they want to be  our friend always, it's not a bad thing you did, just a mistake, and we are only human and you just want to keep your best friend forever, and did what you did for that reason, and tell her that, You are not a bad person, like I said WE HAVE ALL DONE IT.

    I hope you and your friend get through this, and remain friends, just say you know what "I treasure our friendship so much, I guess I wanted you to look up to me, and think that I was cool, and I know I made a mistake, and feel really bad that I have hurt you, but I promise to always be upfront and honest", lest get pass this and be good friends.

    Good luck honey and I hope all works out for you.

    Minny :-)

  4. Haha.  Love the way you abbreviate and then explain what it is anyway....

    How can this girl be your BFFL (Best Friend For Life) if she didn't know you don't have a horse?  I don't really understand what the problem is anyway.  From what I can understand from this dribble, you made up that there was an advert selling a horse??  Wow!!  Big deal

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