
Some1 wrote all over me with a sharpie marker pen.. now it wont come off??

by Guest61394  |  earlier

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i need help, i cant leave the house til its gone!




  1. i use hair spray but like that one person said it probaly just has to do with the alcohal in it ya know good luck try the hair spray :)

  2. Try hand sanitizer or Isopropyl alcohol. The alcohol dissolves ink. Or mix some baking soda in with some liquid hand soap. Scrub with it and rinse.

  3. Take a cotton ball/rag/ etc. and dip it into some alcohol and rub it wherever the marker is on your skin, and it should dissolve it. You may have to do it a couple times, but it gets it off.

  4. use baby oil and a cotton ball or swab ....... come off SUPER QUICK

  5. Carbourator cleaner, gasoline, acetone, nail polish remover,any strong solvent

  6. AVON Skin So Soft Bath Oil works very well. Just dab a little on a wet cotton ball or pad, and rub. It works great, and is less harsh on the skin than rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover.

    You could try shaving cream too !

    Good Luck!

  7. Acetone (nail polish remover) or Lava soap or Gojo. Take it from me, I get stains worse than this on me every day at work. ;)

  8. This just begs the question,"WHY"? would you let some1 vandalize you,You could do like they do in my hood, and paint over it.

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