
Somebody better say the F-16 is a better airplane real Quick??

by  |  earlier

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I love the F-16, but the Flanker and Viggen and Typhoon and Gripen can do things that will make your head spin. You better say that american aerospace engineers better catch on, otherwise, we're gonna have words...




  1. Uh... sure... the F-16 is a better plane, but I'd say that the F-22 is the BEST plane, except it costs billions of dollars.

  2. I heard F-16 got a lot of beating from US Navy F-14's on Miramar back when Tomcats was still active, and USAF F-15 got their share of beating too from the old Cat. Anyone who has the participation on such competition could you please confirmed it?

  3. Mike, it is not just about which aircraft is better. Logistics, tactics, training, maintenance, weapons, peripheral equipment, ground support, in-flight refueling support, AWACS support, and pilot suitability all make a big difference. Not to mention leadership.



  4. F-16 is a better Airplane

  5. Our aircraft always do several things very well. They may not do goofy things in the air, that only they can do, and is supposedly useful in a dogfight. Nobody ever talks about all the limitations they may have like the fact that the the MIG 23 is very fast but at the expense of the engines. One was spotted on radar doing Mach 3 but it made an emergency landing afterward and the engines were toast...Nobody ever mentions that....

    We do build the best.........

    But there are some other D*&% good aircraft out there. The F-16 is getting old.

    How about the fact that there has never been a F-15 ever shoot down! Its record is 102 to 0. Nobody ever talks about that. And the fact that they recently put up something like 10 or 12 f-15's up against 2 or 4 F-22's and all the F-15's died. Now that is evoulution. Bring on the MIG's anyday.

  6. The F-16 is a better airplane real quick.

  7. Only one thing to say. F22

  8. F-16 is better.

  9. i still like the F-4 Phantom

  10. I don't know if this is true but sometime ago the F-14 or F-16 was used by the Israelis in a war in the M.E. they were fighting with Russians MIG. Even the Americans were surprised of the maneuverability of their fighter jets. Either the Israelis did something to their aircraft software or their pilots are just to bold and daring than the Americans.

  11. The F-16 is well past its prime, but still its a wonderful aircraft. Its roll rate is still impressive and can still give any Russian dogfighter a good run for his money.

    Now that you have said it, what exactly is that a Gripen or a Viggen do that the F-16 cannot?

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    Edit: Post stall is amazing Mike, but can you tell me why the Viggen has a operational G-limit of 7 while the Fighting Falcon has it as 9 (both positives)

  12. The F-16 is our 3rd best fighter plane.(f-22 and f-15) You shouldn't compare it to the top planes of other countries and say we need to catch on. Also the sheer numbers of f-16s in the USAF make it much better than these one-on-one comparisons make you believe.

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