
Somebody cut off my cat's whiskers...Did this hurt my cat?

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My poor cat :(




  1. I dont know if it hurts or not! but it is not very nice... thats for sure!

  2. The cutting itself probably wasn't painful - the whiskers are just stiff hairs.  What's cruel is the fact that cats use their whiskers as a sense of touch.  Due to the shape of their heads and the location of their eyes, they can't see too well around and below their faces, so instead they use their whiskers to feel around.  Cutting off a cat's whiskers would be like taking away one of a person's senses.

    The whiskers will grow back after a while, but many of the other answers are right.  You should find whoever did it and let them know that it's not OK.  If they didn't know anything about cats, then you should inform them.  If they *did* know, then it was an act of cruelty, and they should be kept away from your (and everyone else's) pets.

  3. yes try not to let the cat junp off things because now he cant walk stright wiskers are like a walking helper if u see him/her falling dont worry when they grow back your cat will be back to normal good luck

  4. no it does not hurt the cat but that is what they use them for is to feel things and tells them how big things are if they can fit in it or not and stuff like that. they will grow back but you better find out who did it and tell them not to ever do that again.

  5. Yes.  Whiskers are not like regular fur, they should never be trimmed or removed. Make sure whoever did it understands that they should never do that again.  

  6. While the acutally whiskers them shelves don't have nerve endings they are attached to a set of sensory nerves which add in the cat determining if it can fit somewere and aid in the sence of balance.   So while the actually cutting of the whiskers may not have caused pain it did hurt your cat in so much as she/he many have problems with balance and is more likely to be trapped in a confined space until the whiskers grow back out.   Because of the risk of becoming trapped if your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat I would recommend confining it to indoors until the whiskers grow back out.  

  7. yeah, it probably hurt very bad.....even if she seems fine, you have to take her to the vet.....because this might cause problems later on, if not seen and taken care of by a proffesional..\

    as you know, cats use their whiskers as scensors

  8. That's one of their senses. Like if the space is to small for them to crawl in then the whiskers alerts them of this. They will grow back. Just give them alittle time. Anyway, why did they do this? They should have their hair cut off. That's animal abuse to me.

  9. your right poor cat.  you should figure out who in your household did that and tell them that is not how you treat a cat, people who abuse animals tend to grow up to abuse children and adults.  you may need to get some counseling for your sibling.

  10. Really you need to find out who done this as the Caseswhiskerss are for 1 thing and that to let them no if they can fit in to thing if thewhiskerss wont they wont so really i would keep an eye on himin casee he or she gets stuck any were x

  11. I don't know if it hurt but you must keep your cat indoors till they grow back else it will bang its face on things and get stuck. Cats use their whiskers to decide whether or not they can get through things and also to remind them things are there if they are walking around in the dark.  

  12. I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't, but I laughed when I read this. Who the h**l would wanna cut off a cat's whiskers? lol. But I can also assure you that it didn't hurt. The whiskers are just hair. The cat would feel no sensation as they were being cut off. And the good thing is, I think they'll actually grow back!

  13. No - they'll grow back

  14. Cat whiskers are NOT like hair. If you cut hair, you don't say "ouch!" Whiskers Do have feeling, nerve sensors. Cutting a whisker HURTS.

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