
Somebody give me a good reason why we should pull out of Iraq?

by Guest56522  |  earlier

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Seriously, I'm a little confused about that. How could pulling out make it any better, at all? I mean, who are we helping if we pull out? We're a prime power there, and have, overall, saved much, much, much more lives than have been lost. If we pull out, who knows what will happen with our absence.

What if it turns out like vietnam? Get enough people to whine about it so that pulling out is supported, then when it finally happens, millions of innocents get killed because of your absence.

I heard someone say that the Iraqi government has regained control, and used that as an argument. That's kind of an invalid argument (I think) when it comes to war. I mean, common sense would indicate that you would want MORE people on your side...

I'm a kid, so try to explain it in a way that assumes I don't watch the news 6 hours a day.




  1. What do you mean "we", white man?

  2. There are things that can not be explained to a kid, please do not take it personal, it's just a fact.

    We, the US, had no business in Vietnam, and we have even less business in Iraq.  The end result in both situations is the same, many people will have died in vain.

  3. It is all a right wing ploy to keep us there-throwing good money after bad.  It is similar to gambling: "I know I lost lots of money but I am just about to hit the jackpot-it's due anytime!!!".

    As an investor, I know to quit-even that it is necessary to quit while behind occasionally to avert complete disaster.  To retreat means to live to fight again some other day.  To refuse to retreat sounds brave but it really is often stupid.  Government does not have to worry about "the costs" of it so-called courage; it uses the people's lives to pay the cost of this "courage".

    I feel that if we did not go to war in the first place, we could have used the money we've spent on the war to this point to construct an elaborate SDI system that could protect us from ALL threats of nuclear war from ALL countries.  Even if we succeed in Iraq, we will be left broke and vulnerable to threats from many other countries.  Even now the Russians are posing possible threats and China, Korea, Iran, Venezuela are among many unaddressed problems.

    Do we have unlimited wealth to spend on wars?  The answer is that it takes more than that a war be morally right to go to war.  It also requires we have enough money to win more than a pyrrhic victory.  As Sun Tzu once said, a war is won before it is started.  I do not think our government went to war with a clear way to win in mind and I do not trust a government that lied to me once even if it says it is near the end of the rainbow.  And even if we do win (by unplanned luck), it sets a precedence for doing this sort of thing again in which we may not be lucky.

  4. Because we can't afford to stay in Iraq. Our active-duty military are over-stretched, our reserves and National Guard units are ready to collapse, and all the money we're spending on Iraq, we're borrowing from the Chinese.

  5. Ask a Marine, Airman, or Soldier if they want to pull out of Iraq, they don't and there are still lots of insurgents in Iraq and they would kill way more innocent Iraqi's than how it is going right now, they actually strap vests on mentally disabled women and sent them in markets to kill there own people if you think we should pull out while that is going on, you do not have an ounce of sympathy in your bones. People know what they might go into when they enlist and for people to say pullout the troops while they went there on their own will is like a slap in the face.

  6. We are spending money that we are having to borrow to pay for the war.  We are already in serious debt.  

  7. For one, the new iraqi government wants us to leave.

    It's already like vietnam.

  8. We should pull out so that more American men don't die from IEDs.

    Pulling out of Vietnam was a good thing, honey. The only way that could have been any better is if we had pulled out sooner. Do some research.

  9. Your pretty much right. Pulling out isn't necessarily a good idea... if we are doing anything we are keeping them occupied... then last they have time to do is come back over here and try a major terrorist attack when there country is successfully being won over by u

  10. The reason why we should pull our troops out of iraq and end this dumb war is because there have been many american soldier troops that have died in that war of iraq and if we get the back to the United States of America, then no American Troops would die anymore.

  11. First we have to find a good reason to be there? Why is it that when Iraq invaded Kuwait we ran to the aid of Kuwait and said that we have to protect the rights of others to be free. But a few weeks ago Russia invaded Georgia and we did nothing shouldn't we have gone storming into Russia to liberate Georgia?

    And how about we have issues of our own here a record number of home foreclosures and an economy heading down a very slippery slope shouldn't we be more concerned about the people going homeless here instead of worrying about people who don't want us to worry about them anymore?

  12. no, thats wrong and propaghanda.

    more lives by far have been lost by the invasion of iraq.

    it was totally uneccessary to invade iraq and the government did it for oil and money.

    that was an illegal war. totally illegal. how the heck did bush and  blair get away with it. they shoulda got outta that country years ago.

    but i bet theyll only withdraw thw troops just in time to invade iran.

    mark my words, cos theyre next.

    what a coincidence that will be??

    the government is evil and bloodthirsty and greedy for money and power crazed. look at bsh. he even looks evil. #eurgh creepy.

  13. It's not our country. We invaded. There was never any valid reason for us to be there in the first place. The Iraqi people have wanted us to get out ever since we got there. It is long past time we went home. But we won't leave until the oil companies are sure that we will have access to their oil. That's the only thing we have ever really been interested in.

  14. I have a good answer for you kid, MONEY.  This war is costing us more than 5 billlion dollars a month.  Not only will you spend the rest of your life paying off the debt but so will your children.

  15. The Iraqis asked for it.

  16. Picture this:A foreign power invades the USA in 1850 and then says they cannot pull out because there may be a huge loss of lives. After all, the South is seceding from the Union and most likely a civil war will break out with many losses of lives.

    Why should that foreign power move out?

  17. As far as you being a kid I am impressed at your wording on this subject.  Now as I get on my soapbox:  As a wife of a soldier that has served one tour and getting ready to deploy another time.  OIL OIL OIL OIL what is wrong with you people!!!  You can ask 90% of our soldiers right now and they would reenlist to go over to Iraq they are doing good.  The Iraqi people can now walk on the streets, they have running water, working electricity, and schools for their children to attend.  If we pull out now it would be mass genocide. I know that some of you guys are thinking "what is she talking about she has a husband that is getting ready to go over again"  YEAP that is right and he volunteered to do a second tour because when he signed on the dotted line he is doing is job.  It is not in his job description to ask "why" he does his jobs.  When he talks to me on the phone and he tells me about the little children running up to him and giving him hugs and kisses he knows that he is making it better over there.  The troops do not need to hear that "we need to get out, it is a endless war, we are over there for the oil"  they need our endless support and our sincere thanks.

    If you think that the next president can pull our troops out in 6 months to a year you are sadly mistaken.  That can never happen.  

    I am so glad that a "kid" like yourself wants answers and really wants to understand.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I don't see them running to enlist and to defend their own country??

  18. you say, name a good reason to pull out?

    I say name a good reason why we are still there??

    Soldiers don't even understand what the h**l is going on over there.

    sadam hussain is dead.

    the gas price is another good reason we should pull out all by itself.

    we are over there basically for oil. thats it.

    so bush can stay rich when he gets outta office.

    we're not hero's over there.

    and we got too much of our own problems to be worrying about everybody else's.

    let some other country try to play god.

  19. 1.  We had no business being there in the first place

    2.  The fortune we are spending over there could be better spent at home

    3.  It only supports other counties views that the US is an imperialist power.  We had a revolution against Great Britain for the exact same reason, why are we trying to build our only little empire now?  This just makes the Arab world madder and madder at us, which will have consequences down the road.

  20. The only reason to pull out is that the Iraqi government feels that it is prepared to take responsibility for its own security.  As soon as that happens, I say we haul ***, and they're moving towards that.

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