
Somebody just bought to my attention that valley girls talk like everything is a question have you noticed it?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone else noticed when vally girls talk it sounds like this

so i went to the mall with my friend kelly?

and and like omg it was like so cool? because the sun came out? and i was all like omg? because i go into a daze when the sun comes out? like tee hee hee all of this is usually said while chewing gum and twirling there fingers through there hair

if i ever see a asian woman talkin like that im gonna attack her on sight




  1. like, ohmigawd, gag me with a spoon, im like sooo sure. totally! fer sher fer sher

  2. So how much did they bought it for?

    And only smacking Asian women? Racist much?

  3. like no they don't? i totally don't talk with everything in question? i soo like totally don't know what your talking about like omg i am soo totally not like that?

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