
Somebody left the game and i was winning?

by  |  earlier

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I was playing chess and the person left before it was over. I was winning and I don't know what to do.All it says its that i can quit and forfeit.




  1. Stay there. Usually there is a timer for the online games. just minimize the game and start a new one. Your opponent will be forced to forfeit

  2. Boy I guess your life sucks, I would suggest you find something better to do with your time than sit around and play chess online with strangers that give up

  3. Some people hate losing and when they know they are going to lose the leave.

  4. tough luck \people hate on winners cuz there losers

  5. he's probably wanting to win and if he doesn't he's going to leave

  6. who cares its a game

  7. The game will eventually give you the option to force your opponent to move.  If he isn't there to automatically win!

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