
Somebody please help...

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I started using the nuva ring on may 1st. I have had great periods since june. my period is gone this month. no period symptoms or anything. i took a pregnancy test and it was negative. whats going on? i dont breastfeed so i shouldnt be missing periods like this. anyone have any idea? should I go to the OB or just take another test or what?




  1. it takes a while to get your cycle back. go to the doctor to be sure.  

  2. It could be a side affect of the hormones in the Nuva Ring. Its really common for your periods to be altered or disappear altogether when you start a new form of birth control, whether its a known/listed side affect or not.

    Personally, I really wouldn't be concerned about it, its not exactly an urgent issue -- but I'd run it by your OB on your next visit and let him know that your body reacted this way.

    Keep a check and make sure you don't feel any discomfort or anything relating to it though!

    Good luck <3

  3. Hmm well sounds like you just had a baby? how long ago? After i had my daughter my periods were all messed up for a while, actually they still are, i have asked questions similar to this..i had my daughter a year ago and i have only had about 3 periods since..i am not pregnant either. I have to go see the OB so maybe you have something similar and should go as well :)

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