
Somebody read!!? need answer?

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ok well i ask this question like twice before but noone answered but do you think im ugly??




  1. aw people are so mean! You're so cute, aw I want to hug you. I like your hairrrrrrr.

  2. Cut your hair please... But other wise you could a girlfriend fast!

  3. You people are horrible! This person is just a kid! And self-conscious enough obviously..You look like a very cute kid to me who has the potential to become a very handsome man. You are certainly NOT ugly! And I'm not a kind mommy just saying it to make you feel better. I'm 23 and childless! Looks are a personal opinion though. Some people will be completely into you, some won't, that's just life. Concentrate on the ones who are and forget the others. Smile more though! :-)

  4. your ugly.

    sorry kid.

  5. not ugly but not hot either sorry trip that thing you call hair and you could be hott

  6. Man some people can be mean when answering questions like this.

    Anywho your cute for a kid/young adult, I like your hair xD nothing better then a guy with long-ish hair! lol

  7. truthfully, it doesn't matter. people usually only notice if ur attractive the first couple times they c u. after they get to know u, they "forget" and u r just u. everyone likes something different, as seen in the answers here, but u r not ugly. u look fine to me.

  8. pretty ugly. i wouldn't  go out with u.


  9. i wanna give you a hugg i love the hair. skater style? i like it.:)

  10. I don't like the hair. I think you would look much better if you got a cut.

  11. Your too young to think your ugly. You should not care what people think of you only your opinion matters.  

  12. So, what does that have to do with women's health? And you're not bad.

  13. Yes.

    Not exactly my type, but you're okay looking.

  14. You're not ugly.

    Cute hair and nice choice of clothes btw. ^_^

  15. definetly yes.  

  16. lol i love these questions..

    hhhhmmm i think that yer not too bad.

    wow...some people are really mean:o

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