My 7-year-old has this gift for making loud, rude (but painfully accurate) observations about people. For example, today he asked his dental hygeinist why she had a big pimple on her face. Well, it was a mole, but that's beside the point. I'm not asking what to do about him - that's obvious. What I'm wanting to know is what, if anything, to say to the offended person and to him that will quickly diffuse the situation with the least amount of attention attracted and the least amount of embarrassment to the person he's just insulted. I mean, I can't very well say, "Oh, you're not fat!" to a 400 lb. person or tell a guy with a huge wart on his nose that it's hardly noticeable. That's being patronizing and would cause further embarrassment. I mean, not to defend him, but he's not making things up here - I just can't seem to get him to understand that these comments are socially unacceptable. We're working on that. If I apologize to the person, then I feel like I'm saying that I'm sorry my child noticed their big nose or their crooked teeth or what have you. That's not really an apology. That's like saying, "While it's true that you have horrible breath, I'm sorry my child pointed it out to you in front of people." So basically, I need damage control here. How do I stop him in mid-sentence? How do I let the person who he offended know that I'm really sorry without making it even more embarrassing for them? Do I just look at them with an apologetic smile, shake my head, roll my eyes and change the subject? Of course, with him, if I don't explain why a person looks different, he'll just ask again - even louder. Help!!!!!!!!!