
Somehow im thinking of quitting..?

by  |  earlier

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last sunday, i called in sick. when i called in sick, my boss said i was just faking it and i should come to work because she needs me. i was not faking it at all. i had ulser. so i never came. then tuesday came and i was feeling better that day so i went to the store to check my schedule, and there i saw that i was supposed to work tuesday morning til 4! but i got there exactly 3:30 and was not expecting to see that! what do i do? i feel like quitting because 1st i did not call in sick for tuesday so that will count as a big mistake not to go to work and 2nd she might not accept my being absent on sunday because she told me to go to work even if i called in sick. my boss yells at everybody all the time and i know she will yell at me again and this time i don't know what to say so i feel like never showing up again so i won't be in a position where she would yell at me. but then, i still want to think that she'll be nice this time and just not give me a write up. what should i do?




  1. If you look at it from her point of view, she's just doing her job- keeping her schedule in order, and people being out is a major pain in her f***y.  Yelling certainly isn't effective and calling you a faker is saying you lied,

    which isn't nice but, do you abuse sick time?  Look for a new job before you quit- jobs are tight and it may be hard to find a new one.  Life is too short to be unhappy but there are negatives too all jobs, so the next one won't be perfect either.

  2. You should not quit.. if you got an ulcer.. it is still there. it just is not flaring up now.. go and get an appointment on your day off and get a gastroscopy arranged.. and your doctor.. you should have seen him on the days you were off sick and you should have presented her with a sick note.. you should explain this to her.. and talk to her in a calm and professional way. tell her you have an ulcer and if you have medical proof of this.. bring it to her.. that will make her understand why you didn't turn up for work.. it's unprofessional if you quit now without first trying to explain to her what really happened then she most likely will understand that you couldn't know about your changed schedule but don't run away at the slightest opportunity of trouble.. try to deal with it with professionalism and be honest.. .and polite.. and hopefully she will understand.. never quit.. you lose unemployment benefits if you quit.. if she sacks you at least you can claim unemployment benefits right away if you leave you got to wait for 6 weeks that would be silly. talk to her.. she is a human also...try to explain in a polite respectful way

  3. Depends really on your outside of work situation.  Do you really need this job?  I couldn't and wouldn't work for someone like you describe unless I absolutely had no choice and even then I would be looking hard to find another job and quit as soon as I could.  So really all you can do is go back and hope for the best or find another job that you can start tomorrow.  Good luck.

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