
Someone I am madly in love with hates me !! :(?

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I have been in love with a guy for about 3 years. We have been on and off and he always goes from me to this other girl.

Now he has suddenly decided that he hates me. For no reason that i am awear of. I have to go back to school in a week and he won't speak to me and his friends are being really mean.

I don't know what to do, as whatever he does to hurt me i still love him so much.

He told me to leave him alone because the other night i ast if we were friends.

Now he just says go away whenever i try and talk to him on Msn.

I don;t know what to do, please help :'(





  1. use your mind

  2. When he says frankly that he hates you, why do you go behind him like this. And too, you are a school going kid. You say that even his friends are being very mean. I would never ever go to such a person.Don't make a fool of yourself. Forget him.

  3. Leave him alone then. It's what he asked

  4. i know its hard, but you gotta get over it. i was in love with someone all through high school and 3 years later we had s*x , the next day he introduced me to his gf and told me to leave him alone. i see him all the time and it hurts me still to this day ( 4 years later ) and im not over it. but i gotta get over it thats all you can do

  5. tell him "To The Left" !

  6. Hey Baby. Live him. His is not worth ur love. U will find someone else, who will love u more. Get a new friend or get busy in some work. If in tension, b frnd wid me.

  7. Seems to me like he is using you he see's another girl that he likes he dumps you when that girl doesn't work out he runs back to you forget him there's plenty more fish in the sea there's alot of nice guys in this world they are not all jerks

  8. Save what little dignity you have left and leave him alone.  He doesn't care or he wouldn't be treating you that way.  You deserve better.  Whether you feel love for him or not you are greatly harming yourself by subjecting yourself to this man's abuse.   You need to spend time with friends and family and start practicing not thinking about him.   It will get easier over time.  Never speak to him again.  There are billions of men in the world and plenty around that you don't need to beg someone for their friendship or love.  Seriously, listen to what I am saying.  You need to hear it.

  9. focus on yourself what dreams do you have in life and how can you get good grades to go to college so you have a bright future and don't get knocked up at 15 living in the gutter ? get real that is so disrespectful of yourself.

  10. Suddenly hating you for no reason could be his excuse to get out of the relationship for good. He sounds like a jerk anyway if he's playing the field while on a break from you. Move on.

  11. you could be wasting your time with him. maybe you stop to communicate with him for 1 or 2 weak if he does not ask why you don't communicate to him the look for another one

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