
Someone I know is cheating a charity, how do I put a stop to it or who do I inform about getting it stopped.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. the police

  2. CAll the charity immediately.  They ususally have a team of ICE...Investigation, Compliance and Ethics who will look into it and proscecute the people.  I found some people who scammed Red Cross during Katrina, one never even lived in the affected area!  The police charged her with defrauding a charity

  3. do you mean the government ..they are boning us all for millions

  4. You report them to the Charities Commission.  I warn you though they will not listen to you if you are a paid employee of the charity.  I tried to do this once and as an employee, wasn't listened to.

  5. I would write to the papers. They will take it up from there. You would not even have to put your real name to it, if the letter was well written and you have the facts

  6. the police and the charrity

  7. Report it to the Charity and to the Police.  If you know about it and do not report it you could also get into big trouble.

  8. police!

  9. The police need to know asap


    I thought people would have known that already!!!

  11. If it is a charity, it will have  to be registered with the Charity Commission.  They would be the best people to report this matter to in the first instance.

  12. RAT

  13. First you need to bring this to the attention of the trustees - if you get no joy there, or if you suspect all the trustees (unlikely), then the Charity Commission

  14. Agree with police, but also your state's secretary of state oversee's all charities and corporations.

  15. Get some solid proof and take it to the top man ,

  16. Call the police NOW and tell them everything. You can be keep it anonymous if you feel you need. This despicable person needs to be stopped as quickly as possible

  17. probably the one time in my book when ratting someone out is to be encouraged. shopped quick as they can say local newspaper.

  18. The police would be a good start

  19. Police, fraud.

  20. Tell a news station.

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