
Someone PLEASE answer my question about my schedule? My counselor said something that made me worry...?

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Here's the breakdown:

I'm entering my junior year, and had what I thought was the perfect schedule:

Consumer Eco

AP Psychology

AP Physics C

Computer Engineering

AP Calculus BC

AP English Language

AP Spanish

Now, the thing is, my parents, who are both PHDs in Physics went nuts when I showed them this, because they had INSISTED that I take AP Chemistry my junior and AP Physics C senior (for science I had AP Bio and AP Physics B last year). The only way I could help them keep their sanity was to somehow fit AP Chemistry in there, but I was not going to give up AP Physics C. So this is how it worked out:

Consumer Eco

AP Chemistry

AP Physics C

Computer Engineering

AP Calculus BC

AP English Language

AP Spanish

Out went Psych and in came Chem. My problem is, this is NOT a very rounded schedule to me. 4 math and science and 2 language classes is not what I want. I mean, it's fine with me, but do you think colleges will look down upon me and I'm simply lacking in Language and History (though I took AP World last year)? What my counselor said before we made the change was "well, this would have made you a well-rounded student." And I actually completely agree with her. What do you think?

And next year, my schedule will be something like this:

AP Lit.


AP Psych

Adv. Drama

International Problems

Multi-var. Calculus

And some science at my community college because I have taken all the sciences at my school

This actually leans towards the history language side. Do you think colleges will mind me doing this? This is just not normal to me; I think my parents actually hindered me here. Please give me your opinion, and give me your opinion on what colleges will think.

And don't be overcritical on me please. This is what I'm taking and there's no turning back even if I wanted to. Thanks.




  1. Good Question. Yeah, sometimes you just have to go for it.. Try these sites..they're free. - Rant, Rave, Talk Junk, Blog

  2. no way!

  3. Honestly, I don't think there's nothing wrong with your schedule. And I don't know why your counselor would say something like that, especially since you will be taking the Psych class next year. It seems like you have really good classes, which I'm sure you have extremely good grades. And if you're already having to take some sort of class at a community college than you are well on your way. I think maybe your parents are trying to get you to possibly do what they had done when they were in school, that way you can have all the good chances for a really good college. But I think you will have no problem getting into a college, I graduated from high school in 2007 and I forgot to take my SATs and did not do too well in high school. So I am stuck at my community college, which there's nothing wrong with that. But I think you have a very good head on your shoulders and you will do just fine.

  4. You did good

  5. I think you can test out of "Advanced Drama" next year - you are obviously well-versed! :) Seriously, either is a FINE schedule. Congratulations on taking such a load to better yourself. You can recheck with your counselor to confirm, but I wouldn't worry about it.  

  6. If you are trying to appear well-rounded to colleges, then having the other history and drama classes in there somewhere will work just as well as having them in there during the same semester. Colleges don't mind if you do that!  Ease up. You are doing the right thing.

  7. Why would your parents want you to be exactly like them. They sound stuck up to me, and you should tell them that I said this. Psychology is an excelent course to take, it can help you out in life in so many many ways. However it would probably be better to take it in a post secondary school any ways where the teachers specialize in it more. YOU should do what interests YOU. You will never be happy living your life for someone else. You sound very smart I am sure you will be very succesful on your own terms.

  8. I think your next year's schedule sounds fine, and I don't think colleges will look down on you.

    But, two science classes is abnormal (no offense), and I also think since you're taking a lot of AP classes you might be better off not taking the chemistry - the chemistry is a very hard course, so I've heard.

    And you shouldn't let your parents tell you to do anything. It's your life, not theirs, so take what classes you want. Change your schedule back :)

  9. Don't listen to your counselor, most of them don't know what they're talking about anyways.

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