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Why do adults in their mid 40s (males) think that its okay to be rude to young adults..just to get a point across? Why do you have to be rude to be straight forward?




  1. Because they forget what it was like being young and not getting any respect

  2. Who knows, they could be bitter at young people because they are no longer young.

    Anyways, back when they were young, they were way more polite than the young people of today.

  3. My advice is to treat him with kid gloves and be polite.It will infuriate him.You have no reason to respect him. It is fine to let him know you don't have any respect for him,-the key is be polite.Trust me it's not just to young people.I am a 47 year old woman who has to deal with a very obnoxious male daily or lose my job.He is not my boss or a co-worker.He is the son in law of a client I care for.He speaks this way to everyone, all the time.(Why the daughter in law stays or puts up with it is beyond me).Also not all men are this way.In fact he is in the lower 15%TG. I have found most men with issues especially, money,or sexual issues take it out on everyone else,this increases if the person they are facing makes good money or is actually a nice person.They can't handle nice-it is something in their makeup or genetics that makes them think we are inferiour and weak.(PS We are far from weak and inferior if we choose to ignor or turn away from their behavior)

  4. I taught grade school and high school for a while. Now, I am a public librarian and I deal with all kinds of people.

    I find that being straightforward with young people works SOMETIMES. Those young adults who were brought up to be respectful of adults listened to me.   Those who were not brought up this way talked back and wouldn't listen. By this time, being rude, blunt and short was the way to reach them.

    Sometimes that doesn't work either.

    I began teaching in the late 70s. Behavior and attitudes of young people have changed quite a bit since then. Many are not held accountable and do and say whatever they want without consequences.

  5. testosterone.

  6. Because sometimes that seems to be the only way to get your attention.

    Being nice gets' us ignored.

  7. Is it rudeness or is it forthright honesty?  

    Sometimes, honest answers and opinions are taken for rudeness.
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