
Someone at work said something insulting

by  |  earlier

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She is the manager and she did not say something bad about me, just that the people that live in "this" neighborhood are thieves ( 95% mexican ) .

She then said, no offense to me

(because I'm mexican).

Can she get in trouble for saying that?

Is that harassment?

She's also been questioning me over the disappearance of some machinery. She even left some money around when I was alone. ( I guess to test me).

One day she took a little doll and hanged it with a sticker note that read

"ye who steals shall be hanged"

and left it in my work area, I know it was her because she was brought up as a catholic, has has used old language like that in other memos.

no one else at work is religious.

should I report her?




  1. I would say she is very racist and, yes, I would report her too. Keep track of when she says or does something. Note the date and the time of day she says something to you that is rude. I really hope you get this situation fixed soon.

  2. It is obviously harrasment, because it is targeted, and you feel harrassed...

    Should you report it?  Morally - yes.  Practically - no...

    You have to work with this woman, and if you work for her you probably will not get a very good reference, no matter how good your work or how professional your behavior.

    If you work in a company large enough to have other departments where you might work, and a personnel dept., then go to that personnel dept and ask for a transfer.  Whether or not you tell them why is up to you, and depends on how likely this person is to get it back as gossip...  But keep it very simple, like, "She has made it clear that a mexican will not be trusted with responsibility in her department."

    I have worked for a drunk that threw small office equipment at me, and for someone who hated me because i was catholic,..  If you need to feed your children you can tolerate a lot, and it is worth it to just eat it and remember why you do so, and carry on...

    But if you work in a very large firm, you can sometimes shift out of the problem without leaving a trail of 'disgruntled empoyee' behind you, and when you can it is wise to do so.  Everyone else you ever work for will call this women to see how you worked out there, and although she is unlikely to straight up accuse you of something she cannot prove, she can certainly transmit the idea that you are not someone to hire, if she gets the chance.

    If you have not worked there for long, and can find other employment, or shift departments, do it.  You are not going far there, and if you stay there very long you will have to either give this woman a chance to talk to all the people you apply to work for, or explain the gap.

    This is one of those ugly things that occurs to everyone now and then, and is impossible to explain to future employers, because, let's face it, they are choosing from a large pool, most of whom have not had this sort of problem on their last job... and it *might* be you...

    Good luck.

  3. I'd report her to human resources or a supervisor. Your HR person should be able to help you deal with this appropriately - it's definitely NOT OKAY to make derogatory comments about someone's race in the workplace, and the insinuations that you've been stealing (assuming that you're not) are unacceptable and probably constitute harassment. What she's doing is out of line, and it's pretty passive-aggressive to put that doll in your area.

  4. that is rediclulous! She has no rite to do any of that! you need to tell someone

  5. Well she hasn't done or said anything that is overtly racist and you may have difficulty proving that she is targeting you because you are Mexican. You might raise the issue that she left the doll in your work area though she has no proof that you were the culprit.

  6. Chances are if you report her she will push you out of the job because she is a clear *****.

    If I were you I'd try to move to another department or ask to be transferred somewhere else.

    She is biased against you, and it's not good. It's not gonna do any good to you or to her. You two are not compatible in the same department. It appeares to me this way.  Is someone is biased  against you there is NO WAY you can change this person's mentality.

  7. I think she ****** up in the brain! That a stereotypes the usually put on other people down! I think that you need to stand up for what you believe is right! No should dis or talk about you culture because it just ain't right! Not all mexicans are thieves but there are some just like their are some black, white, Puetro rican, etc.

  8. Yeah, that's extremely racist, and you should definitely report her.  She's creating a hostile work environment (that's the legal language written into the harassment policies).

  9. Confront her.  Be open and let her know that you are not a thief.  Then if it continues, write a letter, or a note, to her supervisor explaining the situation.  ps. Keep a copy and date it.

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