
Someone blocks their number and calls... how do I...?

by  |  earlier

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Unblock the persons phone number? My grandmom gets some obnoxious little idiot, calling and pranking her.. ands it not like "is your refriderator running?" sometimes its just harrasment.... what are the chances of this happeneing to my friggin grandmom? annnnywhooo is there a way to unblock the number? thanks.




  1. Ask your grandmother to unblock the call.

  2. *86

  3. call the phone company and see if they have the number or received calls

  4. call your carrier

  5. you can't unblock their number, but you could try calling the phone company and ask them about it, or even the police

  6. There is a service that will block private or annonomus numbers she needs to call here carrier and get the service to get it add to here phone if its not already there and she needs to use it to get it to stop and she needs to report it to the police as harassment.

  7. your grandma needs to have a service added to her phone to block private calls....then she won't get thsoe calls....she also needs to consider filing a police report, then they could trace these calls....that would show the prankers!

  8. Well, it depends what kind of phone you have. :-/

  9. well u could call the police and when ever you do they willo come to your home and tell u to go to the number on the phone and press *69 and that calls the number back, you keep them on the phone for 60 sec and the police can track the little kid.

  10. *69

  11. here we go!!!

    use *77 ACR...

  12. call the phone company and ask to not allow blocked phone calls, and after that, u dont have to worry

  13. Call the phone company. they can help.

  14. Just call the phone company and they will put a trace on the call and find out who it is.

  15. you can just call her phone company and tell them not to allow blocked calls

  16. LOL.

  17. call the phone company and report it..they probably wont give you the number but they may block the caller or take some sort of action...i seem to remember that i had to do that once and the phone company handled it...however it was a land line phone....don't know what the deal is if its cellular

  18. Dude if you have the feature called Call trace you can trace any call which is generated from another land line or cell phone, how ever if its computer generated its pretty hard to trace ,in canda its *57

    you have to dial the star code as you as you get this call and then report to your service provider.

  19. no..if they block it..its blocked. The only way to find out who it is.. is to notify the police of harassment, and if they FEEL like it, yes ..if they feel like it..maybe theyll look at phone records and find out who it is.

  20. well if you don't know the number than dont pick up the phone. i don't think theres a way to unblock the number.

  21. I don't know Sorry!

  22. report them call them back and say you are going to call the cops.

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