
Someone broke into a house last time. Did I do the wrong thing for not calling the police?

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I feel really guilty. Yesterday, my parents left for the night and I was home alone for the whole night. It was cool though for me. Then it was about 1:30 a.m. and I heard people screaming form the other apartment “HELP, CALL THE POLICE. HELP CALL THE POLICE!” I couldn’t make out if the voices were kids or adults. And I was afraid that the police would come into my apartment and take me away because I had no parent at that time. So I’m really scared go running into the living room lock my door really good not knowing what to do or what to think because it could turn out to be a prank and I could get in trouble. Then I go to sleep because the voices stop. I wake up at 4:00 a.m. and there are police officers in the street in front of the building and people covered in blankets in the bed put into an ambulance. I also hear tons of voices next door and I go into the living room, see through the hole of the door and there are police officers in the other apartment where the voice came from. And I feel guilty because I think I killed those innocent people. I haven’t told my parents because they could hit me because of my stupidity. But I want to know: Did I do the wrong thing because I didn’t want the police to take me away from my parents because they leave me alone for the night?




  1. Yes, you did the wrong thing.  You should have called the police when you heard the yelling.  If you are not legally old enough to be home alone, then the police would have taken you to a foster home for the night until they could contact your parents.  If people in the other apartment were killed, you should feel guilty because you could have saved them.

  2. UHH....YEAH!  

  3. I would say you did the right thing and don't worry about it...No sense in getting in trouble for someone else...They should have had a gun anyway and they probably deserved it anyway....

  4. funny  

  5. you should have called they needed your help and you did not give it  

  6. maybe u couldve called the police and not not tell the police who u are and tell them that u dont want any contact from them. but then again, i wouldnt blame u. u dont want to get ur parents in trouble. cause trust me, the dept that they send after ur parents if something's up wif the parents and kids are SUPER annoying. dont feel to guilty, i mean its not like u were the one who committed the crime. there are other ppl who could have been "capable" enough to call 911

  7. You should have called the police.  Don't say you killed them, you didn't hurt anybody or kill anyone but you definitely should have called them.  You didn't do anything wrong but you have to live with the guilt.  That happened to me once, someone was calling out from another apt building to call 911, but it was late at night on a saturday and i wasn't sure if it was a prank or not. I was contemplating called the cops and a few minutes later the police came. I don't know what happened but ever since then I have not hesitated to call the police when I see things (like a man and woman physically fighting outside).  Just think about what you would want someone else to do if you needed help.

  8. Absolutely. You would want someone else to call the police if you were in trouble. It is your civic responsibility. Now it is too late and you have to live with it.

  9. Are u for real?

  10. wow, thats a horrible situation. I dont think you can get the right answer from yahoo answers, but I do think you should stop feeling guilty. you arent the only one, in a situation like this you dont know whats right and whats wrong and feel rushed to make a discion and scared. clearly the right think to do would have been to call the police and they wouldnt take you away because parents leave children home alone all the time. but I do think you should tell your parents and cut yourself some slack:)

  11. You are not legally responsible but morally responsible. I don't blame you for being scared and there was no way of knowing what would happen. You didn't do the wrong thing. As a side note if your parents would hit you for not doing that you should perhaps talk to a school counselor.

  12. In some opinions yes because you didnt do anything, but you were scared that the cops might take you so its not your fault and dont blame yourself about wat happened just next time something like that happens call the cops.

  13. In a word, yes.

    You shouldn't be afraid to call for help when you feel that someone is in danger. The police can't just take you away at your age. Also if it was just a misunderstanding or prank you wouldn't be getting in trouble, the pranksters would. All you would have been doing was trying to help someone.

  14. You should have called the police.  How old are you?

  15. you sound too young to be on your own,your parents should'nt leave you,don't worry you did nothing wrong so forget it....

  16. You should have called the police.

    But how old are you? You couldn't get taken away from your parents I think the worst they would do is give them a warning unless your under 13.

    But I understand. When you are in a scary situation you panic. But if it ever happens again call the police!

  17. next time call the police

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