
Someone called children services on me????

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i got a letter in the mail today because someone called children services on me. i am shocked. i have not done anything for that. my house is clean my kids have beds theyre fed never abused i dont understand who or why. they are suppose to come out on the 5th but im moving tomorrow. i dont want to seem like im running but i dont even understand this. can anyone help?




  1. That is strange that you got a letter, because where I live they just show up unexpectedly.  We had a neighbor who beat on his son, and every time that the police were called he would swear that it was us.  He even called on us at one time and said that we were doing drugs, so my husband and I voluntarily went and took a drug test and proved him wrong.  Most business letters have a phone number on them some where.  Call the number and explain that you are in the process of moving and that it can't wait.  Give them your new address if you want so that they see you are willing to cooperate.  Once they see it was a bogus phone call, they will leave you alone.  They have to have a very good reason to hound you, and most definitely to take your child away from you.    

  2. they can call children services for verbal abuse to and if ur not married maybe ur ex husband called (if u have one) because of what ur children said if u spank ur kids and they go to a public school somone probably asked if u spanked them as far as seeming like u ran away u better clear that out or u might go to jail  

  3. call them and tell them that your moving so you dont get in trouble

  4. Anyone can call child services, and if the call was not warranted and legit, then they will see that when they come for an interview. I would call them and ask if they could come to your new home since you are moving, provide them with all of the information and address. Ask them if they would like you to bring in the children early to talk to them. Work with the problem, it makes it easier.  

  5. Call them and ask them what the heck they are talking about

  6. I know how you feel.  Someone reported one of my answers today.  I think child services has an appeal process.  Be polite, and good luck.

  7. My neighbor is hated by everyone in this town and has 2 kids and shes been reported 4 times when she doesn't abuse her kids or do anything worng 2 them. as long as your not abusing them, they have beds, they eat, everythings fine then there not gonna do anything

  8. I think Bailezra answered your question You reap what you sow. If you want to have a happy life live it right at least for your kids

  9. Maybe it's the "Baby Momma" of your next-door neighbor.  You know, the neighbor you were sleeping around with, even though he lives with another woman and his daughter, and who apparently knocked you up?  

    Just a theory.;...;...

    Or maybe you did something to p**s off the other sperm donor in your life (your kids' father who's in prison).

  10. Does it say on the letter why they're coming? Or why somebody called?

  11. your avatar looks hottt

  12. Ask them to come on out before the move.  You would be glad to have them, but you are moving in a few days.  This will look great for you.  

    They don't need a valid reason I'm afraid.  If a nieghbor thinks your kids are too loud, this might be enough to make up a story.  I am comforted that in your state/area they are checking things out.  You have nothing to hide, but not everyone unfortunatly, it meant to be a parent.  A report and a visitation like this may save a life one day.  

    Good luck!  

  13. maybe theres a phone number on the letter that you can call to get some information from them. if not,  I think this website has a number that you can call.

    good luck i hope everything works out for you! :)

  14. im goin through this with my sis-in-law you need to call them and let them know that your are moving and give them your new address they will understand

  15. Sounds like someone that didn't like you did it. Got any enemys?

  16. Probably someone didn't like how you spoke or treated your kids, or your kid made some comment....Make sure you call Child services and let them know your new information, if you don't they'll think you are running away

  17. Yea call for sure, that's kind of messed up, maybe someone's in love with your husband or jealous of your life style in general, do you have any enemies you think would do this?

  18. someone does not like you

  19. Definately call them and let them know you're moving.  Otherwise they'll assume the report was right, and you'll have a warrant out for your arrest.  If you've done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear.  I've had a report made on me before, but thankfully I didn't have to do an interview.  My daughter was sick and we had a dozen or so docs to confirm that her bruises were from her disease.  If they don't find any reason to believe it, the file will be closed.

  20. Just call them and let them know you got the letter and that you are moving out so you won't be at that address and find out what should be done.  That way they don't see you as running.  

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