
Someone called me moon-faced. Does that mean I have a fat face??? ?

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Someone called me moon-faced. Does that mean I have a fat face??? ?




  1. it means that the guy who called u that is a frustrated, loser.  

  2. "Having a round face."

    I checked.

  3. my first thought hearing that is that you have acne, but i suppose that it could also mean two-faced.

  4. In our place, when someone call you moon-face, it means that your skin is not perfect. Meaning you have an acne problem. Like your skin is that of the surface of the moon.

  5. No, it doesn't mean that you have a fat face. To my understanding it means that you are two-faced. I can't really recall why this is but, I think it has something to do with the crescent moon and the full moon...I don't know.

  6. I always thought it meant round, not necessarily fat though

  7. no. it means your eyes are spaced far apart.

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