
Someone called me the B word. Can I sue?

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My feelings were really hurt and I had to go to a therapist twice.




  1. May be if there was witnesses that over heard what was said and by who and to who and would be willing to stand up in court for you and watch you  get as much money as you can, while your there trying to give your definition of that word which you claim upset you so much, then explain how you could never be anything like the definition you gave of that word, ffffeeeeeeuuuuuu, breath, nah, i don't think you have a chance in h**l with that one, best take a trip on the side walk.

  2. It depends. Which B word.

    If you were so offended, that you needed therapy, the  chances are you needed therapy anyway.\

    Maybe a bit of growing up would help.

  3. You had to go to the therapist for THAT? You had better never leave your house if someone calling you a ***** leads you to therapy. But no, you cannot sue. Anyone can call you anything they would like, that is how it is.

  4. Which B word?  The female dog type?

    It is not likely that calling you a female dog all by itself is enough to lead to a win in a lawsuit.

    Remember, any can sue anyone at any time for any reason.  What you really want to know is will you win.

    And even if you win, dose she have money to pay you.

    If she has no money then you can win millions of dollars, but so what.

    Toughen up, if you are lucky you will be confident enough to inspire others to call you a B, and be proud to earn the title.  Being a B usually means you are self assured and confident, and don't take other people's crack.  Many people call Hilary Clinton a B, and if she were not self assured she could be in bed crying herself to sleep, instead she became the governor of New York and made a run for president of the US.

    I don't mind if someone calls me a B, just so long as they realize that I am not just a B, I am "the" B.

  5. Probably not.  

  6. are you for real. I imagine you have been called that on more than one occasion. No you can not sue, you'd have to prove it wasn't true!

  7. Yes sue them for a million dollars!

  8. Why do you think people should have to pay for making you feel bad? It is a common use, though not a very nice one,word. You need to get a grip. If it were allowed I have a few choice words you can use to throw back at them. This sue thing has gone too far.Maybe the other person thought you acted like one.Heard of free speech?

  9. You should sue for emotional damage.  It's not ok to use that word.  It's not politically correct.  Also, it depends on where they called you that.  If it was in the general public, then you could have witnesses.

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