
Someone changed my background?

by  |  earlier

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is it possible it could have changed itself??




  1. Probably,. that happens when I drink too much.... I forget, or did i change your background....ha

  2. yes i did so what ya gonna do HUH? i have no horns left, your going t cut my tail too...

    your evil ...

    yes Kev its all her fault you tell i have to wear this ugly hats ..

    hey hey chill your going to kill me up there geez...and leave the nipple jokes out of it, i have socks..

    give me back my nipples (horns) bluetop or ill tell  Betty

    thank you bluetop come here give me a big kiss....

    Snizz i have my horns baaack...HAH

  3. I read a really interesting book about programming once, and how one can go about changing a background.

    None of which I will share with you, but I do know what you are talking about though!

  4. you're losing it hun, make an appointment

    and get it checked out, crazy german tranny :)

  5. You never can tell with bees.....

  6. Don't blame the devil, this is all your fault Snizz!

    It could have changed itself, if it had a mind of it's own...

    Nooooo, leave her tail alone. Nasty Snizz. You pinched her horns, but the tail is mine...

    Evil Snizz...those horns will grow back pointier and sharper than ever...

    Yeah, I want the nipples...I mean horns.

    Here you go Lulu. <gives horns back to Lulu>

  7. Very nice it looks too Snizz

    did you see the great birthday background Lulu made? Bet your jealous

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