
Someone did a hit and run and did not leave any information...Am I screwed?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the library to work on some stuff but as I was heading back to my car (about 2 hrs later) I noticed the back bumper of my car has been cracked. It looked pretty clear like a hit and run situation. The problem is, the other person did not leave his name, number or any other contact information on my car. That pretty much means I don't have proof who did it and does that mean I'm pretty much screwed? Is there anything I could do? =/





  1. I hope you made a police report.  Contact your insurance company ASAP.  They will advise you

  2. A) Your screwed

    B) buy a new bumper

    C) Park more carefully whenever possible.

    D) Get an alarm fitted so it will go off if you are hit again

    E) Hope this doesn't happen

  3. reort the claim to your insurance company and the will handle it.  you will have to pay your collision deductible... life will go on

  4. if you have collision insurance no problem.. but if you dont nothing you can do.. repair it yourself  that  it .

  5. This is what insurance is for. File a claim if you want. If you have a good record and a good company your rates won't go up. If they are going to go up then if it is only a few bucks a month no biggie...if it will be more then you will have to decide if it is worth it.

  6. if you have uninsured motorist coverage on your policy. You should have called the police and filed a report. I would go get an estimate and see if the damage is over you deductible and if so call you insurance company and tell them what hap pend and they will be able to tell you if you are covered. But make sure that the damage is more than the deductable because if not there is no reason to tell the insurance compamy

  7. Call the police from the parking lot and file a report, or call now and file a report for your own insurance coverage.

  8. Most of the American states require the person causing an accident to leave information.....and to stay at the scene of the accident until you exchange information with the parties.

    Make sure you don't mention insurance companies to the parties!!!!

    You can go to the police and report that person who failed to provide information. Then, the person could be charged if caught for

    "leaving the scene of an accident."....or

    "failing to report the accident."

    In most states, the two offenses are misdemeanors punishable by up to 1 year in jail. Illinois has that law.

    So call the police. If they arrested the person, you can take that person to court. The only drawback is that the person can plead guilty to a lesser charge.

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