
Someone died in the house i am thinking of buying. Would you buy a house someone died in?

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Is it safe to buy a house that someone has died in? Would you be scared?




  1. I don't think there is reason to be scared.  After all, we are all born and live on a planet where so many people have died.

    Seriously, depending on your religion and beliefs, you may or may not want to buy it.  After all, you don't want to live there in fear and other psychological issues./

  2. Most of the houses I've lived in have been old, like more than 100 years.  I'm sure people died in them, what's to be scared of?

  3. Of course I'd buy a house that someone died in.  Why would you be "scared"?  There must be a reason.  Infectious diseases?  Paranormal fears?  Everyone is born and everyone dies.  It's the natural order of things.  No one gets out alive.  I'm sure everyone has a home or property that someone has died in.  It's more rare to find one that someone hasn't passed away in.  

  4. Sure I would, I would rather have a house someone died in then a house someone say cooked drugs in.

    Old people die in homes everyday. Young people too.

    Why be scared?

  5. If I didn't know it, I would be fine with it.

    The house I live in now had a very close family member to die in it.  However, because I know them, it brings comfort to me b/c we were so close.

  6. Dead people cant hurt you, its the live ones you have to watch out for.

  7. I guess the real question is what is the manor in which they died? Natural causes or where they murdered?  I would be a little scared to buy a house where someone died of sinister causes, but natural causes I don't think would worry me as much.  

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