
Someone else has my social insurance number (my ex-boyfriend)?

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Can they sign credit cards in my name? Can they harm me financially?




  1. A couple of issues here:  if someone knows your gov't identity number, that doesn't mean they can legally use your credit card.  If they sign your name instead of theirs, they've committed a crime.  If they are co-owners, meaning their name is on the account with you, they're using their own property, and that's obviously OK.  Can someone with your number harm you financially?  Of course.  If the relationship went way south, and there's significant risk of them using this info in identity theft, there are inexpensive identity-theft insurance policies you may be able to purchase.  Start over financially with new accounts, and closely monitor those you can't change.  If ID theft isn't a major risk from this guy, chalk this up as a lesson learned and NEVER allow that info to circulate again.  EVER.  Good luck!

  2. If you don't trust him, you can put a freeze on your credit record at each of the three credit bureaus.  That prevents any new credit from being opened without verification from you first.  It does cost a few bucks for each.  See the bureaus' websites for details.

  3. simple answer...OH YES!  your ssn is your lifeline to credit.  Since he is your ex, if you feel he may use your number, contact all 3 credit bureaus and put a watch on your name.  then anytime credit is applied for in your name, it has to be approved by you.  i would also contact your banks.

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