
Someone explain this demon to me....Calling all demonologists!?

by  |  earlier

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I was attacked by a demon....Here's the discription...

Half man, part Lion. Shoulder's were strong man...head and face were manlike...lion though. Sharp teeth and claws.

It was on top of me and I couldn't breathe but was able to cast it away with a battle call.

Very scary...No I don't do drugs and I am not mental.




  1. well something like that doesnt sound like a highborn. could have been a lesser deamon.

    aha! barbas! greater deamon, governs thirtysix legions of hellspawn, a "changer of ways" and "keeper of knowledge".

    Liontel who at will can become humanoid.

    riddle me this? have you ever touched an ouija board, any strange artifacts or bizzare looking statues, practiced a simple spell for the fun of it or in any way have had any kind of contact with the supernatural or hyper-natural?

    if you did something to offend a greater deamon then i would suggest you write a brilliant apology note and burn it with the pentagram symbol on it.

    oh no wait. the answer that "sante" just gave is a defiant winner: excelent recitation!

  2. It sounds like my mother-in-law.   ROFL>

  3. Here I thought my SOB EVIL dad was still in h**l!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe one of his brothers though.....

    Sorry.........I'm honestly not trying to make you sound crazy. But, my dad was the devil himself.

    I believe in good and evil spirits....when are you seeing this?  Plus, no offense. BUT could this be a mental thing?  Your sanity can be destroyed by deep underlying fears.

    EVERYONE I don't care who they are- have some type mental issues!!!!!!!  The ones who have the most are the ones trying to help others who sound more mental than my whole d**n family.  lol  *SERIOUSLY*

    Feel free to email me...I'm honestly not trying to hurt you.  TC!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This will sounds strange but I have experienced a similar demon..

    same thing was asleep woke up in dead of night and there it was hovering above my bed... wolf body with a bat head..

    That Demon doesnt actually look like that but thats how it manifested, its look is in accordance to what it is...

    the Lion part represents War, Domination, Territory.

    I dont know what you're into but you have summoned something or allowed something to be attracted to you...

    Say this next time or even now just to be rid of it...

    Begone! be cast out into the dry places. By the power of the Living creature that is like a Lion that stands before the throne hear this command and flee!  Begone from this house, this state, this country. Be cast out into the dry places and return no more. I command you in the name of the Lion of the tribe of Judah! It is by this name i compel you and command you! Hear and begone into dry places, return no more!!

    say it VERY authoratively... say it a few times 7 is good... that should do it...

    any further correspondence regarding this matter is welcomed feel free to email me.

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