
Someone from Ghana said "you americans ruined my country" when i was in europe?

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what did he mean by this. From what i read real quickly the U.S. may have had CIA over there for a coup but i Did not see anything that said anything about us doing much over there in their country. Kinda curious what he could be referring to.




  1. Haha most Americans have never even heard of Ghana! But yea the CIA leads coups everywhere...Guatemala(Arbenz), Cuba(bay of pigs), Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, haha everywhere. I guess Ghana too.

  2. its kind of true but he is reffering to europeans when they came to africa they divided ethnic groups and made them fight so it ruined africa withought eauropeans also known as "white people" africa wouldnt be messed up like this

  3. He was referring to the NWO agenda. The first phases were in America, and they have spread to people like Gordon Brown and the Queen.

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