
Someone gave me a duck to keep as a pet... now what?!?

by  |  earlier

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I adore the duck. She's cuddly and playful. The problem is the mess. I would like to keep her inside, as I live in an apartment and I only have a small terrace. I have heard there is no way to litter train a duck... so how did they do it on Friends? Television is unrealistic I guess, haha, but I need some advice on how to take care of this.




  1. get one of those gates that you put dogs or puppies inside of, and put newspaper down. so it doesn't make p**p everywhere. and get some air freshener. so you can spray it once in a while.

  2. Get a sufficiently large enough enclosed are for your duck to live in.

    Put a newspaper or something to cover the'll save the trouble of cleaning the floor everyday. Change the paper everyday.

    Have a small trough of water kept in a corner.   Feed it grains every morning and evening.

    Best Of Luck!!!!!!

  3. Find other ducks in a pond or lake. Release the duck.  

  4. Ya like duck meat???  LOL...just kidding.  Find someone who has a farm and let it live happily ever after.

  5. let me tell you about larry. larry was a duck that we had for a couple days. at night we kept him in a dog crate and every morning when we woke up we had to clean up all the water he spilt, and clean up all the p**p. i don't know if you already know this or not but when most ducks p**p, it isn't normal p**p, it actually squirts like 3 feet! its pretty nasty! so after cleaning   his p**p off the walls and floor we would give him a bath in the bath tub. he would splash and have a happy little swim while i was all stressed out cause i was soaking and so was everything in the bathroom. so for the rest of the day we couldn't play outside with him cause he would fly away so we would take EVERYTHING out of a large room and put tons of towels covering the floor and then we put some balls, some house plant, and a wide bucket of water for larry to entertain himself. we also gave him bread and weeds and seeds and stuff to eat. after his play time we would go in, take away what he didnt eat, clean the p**p off the walls and every were Else, we would mop up all the water, we would hose off the balls, and we would wash the towels like a billion times so they could get clean and get all the p**p stains off of them. and then we would go to bed and go through the same thing over again the next day. I'm sorry to tell you this, but there is really no way that you can properly keep a duck as a house pet. we ended up giving ours to our vet who gave him a checkup and then found a suitable lake to release him in were there was others of his kind and plenty to eat. so unless you want to go through what i did everyday, i suggest you give your buddy to the vet to take care of. but don't release the bird yourself because if you do you might be releasing him were there isn't enough food for him or something, but if you hand him over to the vet or ask the vet were to release him then you can be sure that you are releasimg him in the right place. hope i helped!

  6. maybe you could kepe it inan extra large dog grate so she has lots of room to move, then let her out while you are home. or you could give it to someone who lives on a farm who will let you visit whenever you want.i love animals too so i see your problem.i hope you find  something that works.iv been feeding a white bird lately that is so sweet, someone told me he is a dove, but it looks like a white pigeon. he will let you pet him and climb on your hand but he is wild. he is so cute. i think he may have been someone pet  before as he has a tag on his leg. but i guess i have enough pets now. 5 rabbits a dog and cat 2 hamsters and a mouse.but if i had a bird cage.....

  7. You can keep it in a crate - but anytime you let it out - it's likely to c**p all over.  So put a diaper on her.

    When it get's larger (has its feathers) you can feed dried dog food - my ducks love it.  Until then - feed it plain chicken feed - not medicated chick feed.

    When you switch to dog food, it  will also need sand/grit for it's gizzard.

  8. well, I dunno about all that. but....

  9. Lots of people keep ducks as house pets.  It's easiest to just get a duck diaper and put that on her when she's running loose in the house.  Give her a large dog crate as a home and when she's locked in there remove her diaper.  Some people just have linoleum floors and don't deal with the diaper at all.  Usually if they want to sit with her on the couch they just lay down a towel and toss it in the dryer when the duck is put away.

    Here's some sites on duck diapers or you can just cut up some human ones so that they'll fit.

    And a great site about a pet duck and his hi-jinks is:

    Have fun with your little one.

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