
Someone gave me some unfrozen fishing bait (mackeral and squid) A Day Ago , Its in the freezer for sat?

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Will this bait be fine to use as bait seeing that I have frozen it for 2 days?





  1. Yes it is fine to use. You can cast it frozen if you want to get a better cast even.  

  2. both baits will be fine for sat.

    the squid will stay on the hook regardless if you are shore fishing or boat but to make sure that the mackie stays on the hook then give it a good lashing of bait elastic as it WILL go soft and mushy and fall off even on a slow drop and will be picked off by smaller fish easier.

    make sure you double hook it through the skin to give you a chance.

    2 days for freezing is really quite fresh. think about how long tackle shops keep theirs in the freezer even tho its sometimes blast frozen.

    i catch mackerel early in the season and freeze it for winter fishing off the shore and use bait elastic with no probs.

  3. Yes! just defrost it in time, if its still hard by the next morning add boiling water to it whilst its in a zip-lock bag.

  4. yea i wouldnt defrost it.. just take it out in the AM. the squid will be fine i have done this with cigar minnows and they tend to get soft and muchy after being on the line for a short time..  

  5. yes your bait will be fine, iv'e done this many times and had good results, i used to seperate the head from the body of the squid, 'about 3inch calamari squid', i would make up a pennel trace use a large darning needle to thread the trace up through the body of the squid pull the line so that the hooks go inside the body and push hooks through the side of the squid i would then fill the body cavity with lug, rag, and mussel in any combination you like, stitch up the opening with fine cord place in a small freezer bag fold it up and wrap the trace line round and round the bag put into another bag with a label telling what it is, ie' squid with lug & rag, or squid with rag & mussel etc, i would make up dozens of these squid baits with various fillings and freeze them then before you go fishing just look through them pick which ones you need and put them in your tackle bag, i have had excellent results with these baits especially for winter cod fishing. good fishing mate, n give this a try.

  6. They should be fine for bait. I have seen times when fish will not hit bait that has been frozen, but will take the exact same bait if it is fresh. I've also seen times when old pre frozen bait gets gobbled up like it's the last food on the planet. The only thing with the tends to get a little "soft" after it is frozen and thawed and it can be a bit difficult to keep on a hook. Give it a shot, they might just be hitting what you're offering like crazy.

  7. I'd say the mackeral is ok - but I'd defrost the squid....but I usuaully use it whole so I like it defrosted...

  8. as for the squid yes, but macci, i would get new, or at the worst i would wrap it with bait elastic, as macci flesh turns to mush after its been frozen and refrozen,  

  9. it will be ok, if your using the bait in pieces it will be better left frozen as its easier to cut up. just defrost it the night before.

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